Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] that we " in BNC.

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1 Brownie Owl continued : ‘ I think Farmer Bolsover is mostly afraid that we might do damage to his crops by not keeping to the paths , or taking a fancy to the fruit in his orchard . ’
2 It is most important that we have a GATT solution .
3 After a contrasting period ( the third , or the third and fourth sentences ) it is most likely that we will return to the original theme .
4 It is rather ironic that we continue to run down our coal industry and sterilise billions of tonnes of coal .
5 It is highly important that we should know what .
6 Er , we had a good look at , at the figures , although they were n't totally finalized we had a pretty good understanding of the situation and I think it is highly unlikely that we would er , seek to re-open any negotiations .
7 The Moon orbits the Earth and is sufficiently close that we can see its disc with the unaided eye .
8 It is governed by the difference equations ( from ( 9–13 ) , ( 9–14 ) and ( 9–15 ) ) , It is assumed that the random terms , and , are independent across individuals , and that the population is sufficiently large that we can replace sample moments by the corresponding population moments , in this way moving from a stochastic to a distributional model .
9 It is only important that we choose to make our departure into meaning and new life .
10 It seems that our collective wish for this state is so strong that we are quite unable to contemplate the opposite .
11 ‘ Harvey is so anxious that we live on his income .
12 Male behaviour is so normative that we ordinarily think of celibacy as meaning that men are to leave women alone , rather than seeing it as a positive step women take to make a non sexually-active community together .
13 When we are young , the thought of death , whether our own or someone else 's , is so appalling that we can not face it .
14 The power of celluloid is so seductive that we 're often unaware of how all-pervasive — and persuasive — its message can be .
15 Here A's mistake is so extraordinary that we are justified in wondering whether he was not insane at the time of the deed , his insanity being an omitted fact .
16 Gravity is the weakest of the four forces by a long way ; it is so weak that we would not notice it at all were it not for two special properties that it has : it can act over large distances , and it is always attractive .
17 The interruption is so violent that we are led to infer other reasons for such a display besides his annoyance with McKendrick himself and , significantly , Stoppard 's comments hint at this in the words " uncharacteristic " and surprising " .
18 This is so small that we just do n't notice it ; we see only one time and three space dimensions , in which space-time is fairly flat .
19 It is so good that we now use it for all our drawing and image manipulation for the artwork you see in this section of the magazine .
20 Clearly the whole point of the exchange , namely a request for specific information and an attempt to provide as much of that information as possible , is not directly expressed in ( 2 ) at all ; so the gap between what is literally said in ( 2 ) and what is conveyed in ( 3 ) is so substantial that we can not expect a semantic theory to provide more than a small part of an account of how we communicate using language .
21 These being the conventions whose occurrence is so regular that we barely notice them , the exceptions to them are the more striking .
22 In fact , one of the reasons God is so concerned that we do not involve ourselves in premarital and extramarital relations is so that we will never feel we are competing against the skill and ability of another lover .
23 We are now hearing that our outlook is so bad that we had better leave it to an independent central bank to decide the important aspects of our future .
24 The garment is so peculiar that we might dismiss it as a quirk of the rhyton carver 's imagination , but for the fact that it features again on a seal impression from Agia Triadha , where the rhyton also originated .
25 Sinclair Hood ( 1971 , pp. 144–5 ) writes of the Temple Tomb as the only certain example of a Minoan royal tomb , but its status is so peculiar that we can not be sure who was buried there , either at the beginning or at the close of its period of use .
26 At the surface of radius r the term ( ) in the Schwarzschild metric becomes zero ; the curvature of space–time is so severe that we can only hope to give a consistent account of conditions using GR .
27 We think he is so distressed that we fear for his own safety and are now very concerned for him .
28 That 's why it is so important that we do n't give up for an instant .
29 This is why it is so important that we practise confrontation .
30 That is why it is so important that we provide challenging and interesting roles to make those senior people keen to remain .
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