Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [to-vb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is most curious to see that you have so much time on your hands that you are able to simply wander about this house bothering others with gratuitous comments . ’
2 Clearly this is most difficult to achieve when people 's objectives are in conflict , but even then , with skill , a win-win can be secured .
3 It is most disturbing to realize that many of you do not receive any Further Training and some do not even pay their Membership subscription .
4 Although the existence of the statutes indicates certain offences which sometimes creep into public life , it is most gratifying to note that amongst the many tens of thousands of councillors serving voluntarily year by year in this country a prosecution under this Act is very rare indeed .
5 Queen Margaret is most welcome to return but she must not bring an army of twenty thousand English ‘ advisers ’ with her .
6 It is most important to remember that no double-stop can be played of which the higher note is lower than since this would require both notes to be stopped on the same string simultaneously .
7 It is most important to ensure that they get enough milk .
8 In short , enhancing pupil achievement is seen to spring from a more coherent approach to curriculum , assessment and teaching method , seen as an integral whole , and that this is most likely to arise when a school has developed more sophisticated self-monitoring that leads to holistic forward planning , of which INSET is an inherent feature .
9 It also has a strong instrumental element , in the sense that it is most likely to happen when it is economically advantageous .
10 This is most likely to happen where the wife has not worked outside the home .
11 This is most likely to happen where the host is a hole nester , like a robin , and where the eggs or chicks are difficult to eject .
12 If a man is to infect a women with Trichomonas vaginalis , this is most likely to occur if he has intercourse with her fairly soon after he himself has acquired the infection .
13 This is most likely to occur if the patient develops a supportive relationship with a partner , close friend , or voluntary worker .
14 However much we may criticize the details of the explanation they offer ( above , pp. 86–9 ) , the clear fact that latent inhibition shows context-specificity ( i.e. is most likely to occur when the context predicts the occurrence of the target stimulus ) constitutes good support for theories that emphasize the role of stimulus predictability .
15 That this intuition can be trained and sharpened I have not the slightest doubt , and I further believe that this is most likely to occur when one looks upon natural phenomena with reverence and humility .
16 It is most likely to occur when the bird of prey is behaving in an odd way .
17 The Ebrahimi type of doctrine is most likely to occur when a partnership is converted into a company but the same people are involved as before and carry on the business with much the same attitude .
18 Personal and social development is most likely to occur when students take responsibility for their own learning and seek consciously to develop PSD competences through practice and reflection on their own experience .
19 Relapse in the absence of a precipitating event is most likely to occur when the patient is living in a situation characterised by high expressed emotion between himself and a relative with whom he has a high degree of contact .
20 This is most likely to occur where he agrees with his seller that property shall not pass to him until he has paid for them .
21 By the time this stage has been reached it is rather late to try and prevent it .
22 It also turns out that the ratio of proportions is rather cumbersome to handle when dealing with many variables at once , and no-one has yet proposed a way of decomposing it into component effects as they have with d s and with measures based on odds .
23 Indeed , it is rather illuminating to discover that within the first few pages of her book — and before she has even introduced her own work — she peremptorily dismisses the idea that genius is akin to madness .
24 It is rather sad to note that the main objective of these Committees these days seems to be enforcing petty rules and regulations whereby , possibly by accident , a secretary may have incorrectly banked a cheque in the office account rather than the client 's account .
25 it is rather difficult to know whether this is support for Krashen 's proposal or not , but it certainly implies the separation of the process of meaning construction from the determination of final output form .
26 Yet the book is rather difficult to read and the general reader may become discouraged after picking it up , despite the attraction of the illustrations and lay-out .
27 With all this it is rather slow to grow and frequently when the culture plate is examined for evidence of gonococcal growth it will be found to be overgrown by other bacteria or yeasts , making it difficult or impossible to identify the gonococcus .
28 It is rarely useful to try and adjust fully to the time-zone transition before the journey , since this will interrupt your life-style too much .
29 When using this definition the results of conventional designs seem so good that it is effectively impossible to show that a new design is significantly better than conventional ones .
30 It is wholly wrong to suggest that it is the European Community alone which has difficulties with the agriculture dossier .
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