Example sentences of "is [adv] use [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A basic sense of wonder ( a ) to foster their capacity for imagination which can give rise to vision , realizing that reality can be greater and other than it often seems — so that they appreciate that a flat two-dimensional approach to life is not the only option available ; ( b ) to understand that religious faith expresses itself in a variety of forms , many of which are close to the arts , and to realize also that religious language is mostly used in symbolic or metaphorical ways ; ( c ) to appreciate the emotional power of religious commitment and how this can be beneficial or harmful .
2 The ‘ primary rate ’ ISDN provides a block of a minimum of 30 lines , and is mostly used by large firms which connect it to a telephone switchboard .
3 This is widely used for steady or mean pressure measurements but can not respond to rapid fluctuations .
4 The Coulter counter is widely used in industrial laboratories and in medical situations but relatively rarely by academic sedimentologists .
5 Again , the theory of this is straightforward ; it is based on standard probability theory , such as is widely used in other disciplines , notably in the biological sciences , where the sampling of a population is an accepted way of establishing the variety of species in a given area .
6 While SunNet Manager is widely used in local network-based and local network interconnect environments , it has so far had little support in wide area networking and telecommunications , where Hewlett-Packard Co 's OpenView is seen to have won greater interest .
7 While SunNet Manager is widely used in local network-based and local network interconnect environments , it has so far had little support in wide area networking and telecommunications , where Hewlett-Packard Co 's OpenView is seen to have won greater interest .
8 Languages : Arabic ( official ) ; Farsi and Urdu are also spoken and English is widely used in commercial sectors .
9 Acupuncture is widely used in human alternative medicine .
10 1989b ) , and is widely used in social work .
11 Tritium is widely used in medical diagnosis and research , and comprises the largest individual component of the UK low-level sea dump .
12 Statistical sampling is widely used in scientific experiments and market surveys .
13 McGregor 's line , which assesses the protrusion of the odontoid process above the foramen magnum , is widely used in clinical practice .
14 Video monitoring is widely used by local authorities , the police , companies and private security firms .
15 The term ‘ client ’ is widely used within social services and social work practice , to refer to those people who come to the attention of the agency as being in need of some assistance or service .
16 The most disturbing fact about business intelligence is that the information obtained is rarely used for actual decision making … .
17 Birch is a sustainable and fast-growing timber from northern Europe , but it is rarely used for fine furniture because of the skill required to convert the logs .
18 Echo-location , or sonar as it is called , is only used by small insect-eating bats .
19 As a foundation material it is only used by nomadic and some village weavers .
20 The metal is much used for decorative ironwork .
21 The piccolo is very rarely used completely ‘ solo ’ , but is much used to double other woodwind instruments at the octave or double octave above .
22 Various grades are available , and the best is generally used for top-quality mountain and walking boots .
23 Except in rare cases of torpor or hibernation ( neither is generally used in polar environments ) , homeotherms in cold climates show no special adaptations involving temperature control .
24 But Crystal points out that most language use does not occur in such contexts : language is generally used in informal , everyday , conversational ways and writing or formal utterances are special cases of language use , with their own conventions and rules .
25 Her unit is already used to joint working with social services .
26 It is coming from a third-party source that Data General declines to identify , and is already used in high-end sites .
27 It comes from a third-party source DG declines to identify and is already used in high-end sites .
28 This adventure book is best used with experienced players .
29 It is best used on calcareous soils — chalks and limes — and light soils that can stand being made a little more heavy and sticky .
30 The two pole dome originated on the continent but is best used in protected valley pitches .
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