Example sentences of "is [adj] for [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where standards are qualitative rather than quantitative , it is preferable for them to be expressed in terms of end-results rather than of methods .
2 After two months of Anna and Vronsky meeting he says : ‘ Friends we shall not be , you know that yourself ; but whether we shall be the happiest or the most miserable of human beings … rests with you ’ ‘ Only one happiness is possible for me in life , … love … ’ he declared .
3 We must show that it is possible for it to be both a resultant … and a totalizing force … how it can continually bring about the unity of dispersive profusion and integration .
4 While property which is vacant can resume its last lawful planning use , it is possible for there to be no use , in which case any new activity will require consent .
5 The importance of this part of the debate is that it illuminates one crucially important difference between , on this occasion , Devlin and Hart : that is , the disagreement over whether or not it is possible for there to be areas of behaviour which , whilst they might be considered to be ‘ immoral ’ , could also be considered to be ‘ private ’ .
6 Sometimes proportionality can be very close indeed but it is possible for there to be divergences from strict proportionality for the reasons explained above .
7 It is possible for there to be unrestricted-use three party debtor-creditor-supplier agreements , but the requirements are more exacting as seen under s12 ( c ) : an unrestricted-use credit agreement which is made by the creditor under pre-existing arrangements between himself and a person ( the " supplier " ) other than the debtor in the knowledge that the credit is to be used to finance a transaction between the debtor and the supplier .
8 Women in the community need to find out what is possible for us as a prerequisite to identifying what is not available and what we would like to see .
9 It is because of those reforms that it is right for us to be sceptical about some of the claims that the right hon. Gentleman has made today .
10 ‘ In every way it is wrong for you to be here ! ’
11 All are important elements of life in old age , and in maintaining both independence and freedom from ill-health , yet older people often avoid taking exercise because of the widespread ageist assumption that it is dangerous for them to be too active .
12 This means that the worst score a Forest Goblin can get on the ‘ Eadbangerz Chart is 2 ( ‘ I fink I 'm gon na … ’ ) and it is impossible for him to ‘ Eadbang .
13 But it is impossible for him in his findings not to interpret events .
14 Some diets may emerge so hard that it is impossible for them to be eaten by weanling mice .
15 ‘ It is impossible for us to be nearer to Wembley than we were tonight , ’ he said .
16 Well I think it is impossible for anyone to totally avoid bringing in their own values into work that they 're doing to some extent , but I think it is possible to deliberately set out to involve the values of other people in the way that you carry out the work .
17 Because the eggs are so small and so widespread it is easy for them to be swallowed .
18 It is easy for him in his academic ivory tower to slam the door in the faces of most men , who , like most women , are good , nurturing , sensitive people .
19 Although the latter cases are probably a diminishing minority , especially now that budgetary delegation under LMS has made it essential that heads in their turn delegate a greater proportion of their managerial functions to senior staff , our studies indicate a more general need for primary schools to continue to review the role of deputy headship , to define more exactly the range of tasks it is appropriate for someone at that level of seniority to undertake , and to ensure that all deputy heads have appropriate job specifications .
20 ‘ We 've had a run with just two wins in 12 games so it is unusual for us to be disappointed with a point , but I thought we were going to win , ’ said joint Charlton boss Alan Curbishley .
21 In case you are frightened off , may I say that it is unusual for there to be more than three major matters arising from a survey on the average house .
22 I do not share his view that it is inappropriate for it to be excluded from compulsory competitive tendering .
23 With no experience of being accepted for who and what they were and are , it is hard for them in their turn to accept the other for what he or she is , or is becoming .
24 So much has taken place in so little time , it is hard for us to really grasp the rapid pace of development .
25 At first , it is natural for there to be a symbiosis or identification between the two .
26 It offers promotion opportunities to the service technicians and underpins our growth objective which in turn is good for everyone in Pest Control .
27 He suggested replacing Guinness is Good for You with Guinness — The Free , The Flow , the Frothy Freshener !
28 One of the conventions of research — which we discuss in more detail below , in Chapter 5 — is that you must enable your reader to find again what you have read ( and in any case , it is useful for you to be able to find again what you have read ) .
29 Producing elisions is something which foreign learners do not need to learn to do , but it is important for them to be aware that when native speakers of English talk to each other , quite a number of phonemes that the foreigner might expect to hear are not actually pronounced .
30 But do n't you think that spelling is important for everybody to ?
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