Example sentences of "is [adj] get [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now , I was never a good getter-up but I do have the excuse that I often retire very late , particularly if I have a visitor in the afternoon and need to get a bit of washing or something done at night when it is possible to get on with it without interruptions .
2 In this way the haulier spends as little time as possible on the matter and is free to get on with what he does best — haulage .
3 But I fancy that England is content to get on with the war , and that things take a more practical turn at home .
4 According to Kuhn , the latter is characterized by total disagreement and constant debate over fundamentals , so much so that it is impossible to get down to detailed , esoteric work .
5 But a combination of the £1.3 billion cash call and the general lack of confidence in the pharmaceutical sector means that Zeneca is unlikely to get off to the sort of flying start that some had hoped for .
6 When referrals have come from other professionals it is important to get back to the parents ' view rather than working from the information in the referral letter .
7 When a dolphin becomes trapped in a net , it drowns because it is unable to get back to the surface to refill its lungs when the supply of air runs out .
8 Add the position of his feet being wide apart and he is unable to get out of the way or play down the line .
9 Grant pulls up in his car but realises that due to the camber he is unable to get out of his door , so he drives up the road does a three point turn and positions his vehicle to aid his extraction from the car seat to the pavement .
10 The problem with books are that they date very quickly and so it is difficult to get up to the minute advice .
11 the degree can vary from the rider feeling that he is having his arms pulled out to the good feeling when the horse is keen to get on with his business — this is described as being well up to the rider 's hand .
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