Example sentences of "is [adj] of [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The other leads to sustainable agriculture , which is beneficial to the environment , sensitive to consumer demand and produces safe and healthy food in a manner that is supportive of rural life and culture " .
2 True Gothic would not waste money and he quoted Scott 's Remarks that a ‘ tissue of costly ornament over the entire building … is destructive of true dignity ’ .
3 The accused is guilty of unlawful act manslaughter if the responses to these questions are in the affirmative : " ( 1 ) was the act intentional ? ( 2 ) was it unlawful ? ( 3 ) was it an act which any reasonable person would realise was bound to subject some other human being to the risk of physical harm , albeit not necessarily serious harm ? ( 4 ) was the act the cause of death ? "
4 Carnelian is guilty of psychic rape .
5 " Where three or more persons who are present together , use or threaten unlawful violence and the conduct of them ( taken together ) is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety , each of the persons using or threatening violence is guilty of violent disorder . "
6 A person is guilty of contributory negligence if he ought reasonably to have foreseen that , if he did not act as a reasonable , prudent man , he might be hurt himself ; and in his reckonings he must take into account the possibility of others being careless ( Denning LJ in Jones v Livox Quarries Ltd [ 1952 ] 2 QB 608 ) .
7 A motorcyclist does not owe a duty to other road users to wear a crash helmet but in failing to do so he is guilty of contributory negligence if he suffers head injuries in an accident .
8 counsel accepting an unseen brief at short notice is guilty of improper conduct as it was improbable that he had time to grasp properly the issues involved .
9 Botia macracantha is tolerant of other species , and does best in a shoal of its own kind .
10 Sighvat 's poem is known to be incomplete , but surviving verses do not mention the battle , and Ottar the Black 's Knútsdrápa says that Cnut opposed or threw back ( hnekDir ) the Swedes there , and describes him as their withstander ( prengvir ) , neither of which is resonant of overwhelming victory , Indeed , if Holy River was known only from the Chronicle entry one would think it a defeat , but Ottar is unlikely to have included a famous reverse in a list of Cnut 's achievements , and the royal title used in the 1027 Letter ( see below ) suggests that he did eventually claim suzerainty over some Swedes .
11 When she meets other animals , walk on and ignore her — as she is timid of strange people , I think this will overrule her aggression towards a strange dog , and she will catch up very quickly .
12 This is untypical of British sites .
13 The establishment 's insecurity is reflected in a report written in 1986 by the British Medical Association ( BMA ) , which hotly defends the position of medical orthodoxy and is disparaging of alternative methods which , it claims , are ‘ unscientific ’ ; not based on systematically conducted trials , and therefore not worthy of attention .
14 The behaviour is representative of experimental results .
15 These same characteristics were found in children with functional faecal retention , a condition common in the school age child , in which physiology of the colon is believed to be normal and constipation results from retentive behaviour by a child who is afraid of painful defecation .
16 For example , Dickens is fond of parenthetical constructions which allow the generalizing authorial voice to interrupt the narrative flow .
17 Is it possible perhaps if when we have another day , I take the point that perhaps the morning 's but then again we 're bound to miss something else , If we can have it a day that is clear of other city councils
18 Check that the Status Line is clear of two-letter codes , which indicate that toggle keys are switched on .
19 Up to certain limits , this income is free of personal taxation .
20 But if the evening is free of specific engagements , he sets off on a well-worn route by 8.30 or 9 pm .
21 There are other dangers , but a garden that is free of thorny shrubs of thorny shrubs , spiky perennials and tempting berries may also be devoid of birds , insects , form and texture ; denying the very stimulus that could woo a young mind into contemplating the magic of its surroundings .
22 Just as each child has to learn a series of lessons and skills as he passes from class to class until he is ready to enter the senior school , so I believe that the spirit too is given a series of lessons to learn before it is free of earthly life altogether and able to progress in whatever is the equivalent of its senior school .
23 Ensure that you are well turned out in a clean , white karategi that is free of open tears and rips .
24 Investors could use a Labuan offshore source of loan finance , where the interest is free of withholding tax , for Malaysian investments .
25 Conversely , sixteen-petalled flowers , of a similar style to those in the semi-roundels of the Lion and Stag pavement , are , at North Leigh , found in a square immediately above the canthari , a position which is free of floral decoration in the former .
26 He is oblivious of other people .
27 This rhetorical absenteeism is definitive of deconstructive reading where texts are seen to " undo " themselves , and the intervention of a reading " does not add anything to the text " ( 1979 : 17 ) .
28 The contrast with Stadtverkehr –m War–del the glossy German government publication with its wealth of imaginative ideas that were reviewed in Chapter Five , could hardly be greater.Whether dealing with residential areas , walking , cycling , public transport , or traffic calming the British manual is bereft of new ideas , cautious in tone and apparently oblivious to the revolution sweeping through Europe .
29 However , to say that the state is autonomous of external control does not imply that the personnel who staff key policy-making roles are guaranteed centralized , co-ordinated and hierarchical control over a ‘ machine ’ , let alone one capable of perfect administration with zero implementation failure .
30 It was an apparent attempt not to highlight the deep rift between herself and her estranged husband Charles on the one day of the year which is symbolic of happy families .
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