Example sentences of "is [adj] [noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is high time we realised that we are lagging behind and that roads alone can not solve our problem .
2 There are many lessons we can learn from other animals , to our great and continuing advantage , and it is high time we took a little while to sit and stare at the other creatures with which we share the earth .
3 It is high time we ceased to allow people to talk about rugby union as a minority sport — even a post-World Cup modest club match on Rugby Special rated two million viewers .
4 It is high time we renewed our acquaintance with young Benjamin Titford , William Charles 's younger brother .
5 Bob reminds me — quite rightly — that it is high time I wrote to you , to say how nice it was to see you both , if only briefly .
6 When determining whether information is public knowledge they have regard to the form in which it is available .
7 The social and political implications of Gandhi 's quest for Truth will also be dealt with in later chapters and for the moment we shall confine ourselves to such questions as how he goes about acquiring glimpses of absolute Truth and how he knows that it is absolute Truth he has actually caught a glimpse of .
8 Oh yes cos there must have been , that was John doing that this is oh this is great fun he says , and he er Johnny was saying that erm if he whispered he would only speak up louder .
9 It is good piece I hope ?
10 From my own observation the majority of thirty four per cent is heavy traffic we have the additional problem that the shops in Saint Mary 's Street , with the majority of shops in Saint Mary 's Street , that is the main street , have no rear accesses .
11 There is continuing speculation it wants Burmah to buy Calor Group , where it has 43 per cent .
12 Where he is independent tailor you know .
13 Er the only point I wish to make is that there is considerable variability we have found in the grading erm and the Ministry of Agriculture maps can not be relied upon for relatively small er or larger areas .
14 This is small man I wanted it t I wished they had erm erm
15 She was dear little thing , not pretty , jolie laide , it is big loss they have … ’
16 ‘ Enclosure like a Buonaparte let not a thing remain/ it levelled every bush and tree and levelled every hill/ and hung the moles for traitors — though the brook is running still/ it runs a naked stream cold and chill , ’ he proclaimed vehemently .
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