Example sentences of "is [adj] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Right now the gossip in the town is that Ingrid is pregnant and it looks as though Olive King is about to become a star … about time too !
2 It is eternal and it illuminates despair .
3 For an agency with such a visible creative profile it is refreshing that it claims no philosophies or advertising theories as its own .
4 ‘ It is unnecessary because it does n't do anything more than what Unix does today .
5 THIS Bernstein recording of Mahler 's Ninth Symphony is historic because it preserves the only occasion on which he conducted the Berlin Philharmonic , on October 4 , 1979 ( with a repeat the next evening ) .
6 The relevant economic argument that reaches the notice of even the ill-informed newspaper reader is the proposition that high taxation , or indeed any taxation at all , is undesirable because it limits the extent to which people work , produce and add to the ‘ wealth of the nation ’ .
7 And may I say very clearly and unequivocally at the outset , that it is abhorrent when it does happen to us because there 's no place for it , quite simply because er it is counterproductive to cohesion , and cohesion is the basis for operational effectiveness , and when there is an incident of bullying then we very promptly and thoroughly investigate it , and that investigation is followed , if there 's a case to be brought , by a trial of the chap that 's guilty .
8 The group is strong because it has access to power through its institutional involvement with the state , which is why Becker calls it a corporate bourgeoisie .
9 In hot weather you may not be aware of how much a horse is sweating because it evaporates so quickly .
10 Their own chemical industry is cost-effective because it buys products at knock-down prices from places like Lauchhammer , where the incidence of cancer keeps increasing .
11 The House was , as I recollect it , in a rather more highly charged mood than is usual when it discusses European matters .
12 Written authority is preferable because it removes the room for doubt and argument .
13 A notice is preferable as it imposes greater protection than a caution ( which can be warned off ) but requires the consent of the landlord as the land certificate will need to be placed on deposit for the purpose of registration .
14 It need not be in writing , but a written contract is preferable as it reduces the possible grounds for misunderstanding .
15 Many governors are uncertain about the level of responsibility being urged upon them and everywhere the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak when it comes to course funding .
16 A copy of the 1991 Census datasets will be deposited at the ESRC Data Archive ( where it will join the data from previous Censuses ) when the data is complete and it appears that all corrections have been made .
17 Secondly , as mentioned before , Hindu society is patrilineal and it follows a rigid system of caste distinction .
18 She said : ‘ Teleworking is innovative as it allows qualified women to come back to work in senior positions .
19 She had chased it out of the house in February when one of her grandchildren was visiting ; and it is possible that it spent the night in the house during the week of the March sighting , as there was a very strong smell in the dining room the following morning .
20 It is possible that it came from the east of the Frankish confederacy , rather than the Rhineland .
21 It is possible that it has to do with cannibalism .
22 If it is pushed at the wrong point of the swinging cycle , the motion is upset and it tends to stop .
23 The success of the concept of franchising is self-evident as it has grown to encompass more and more business sectors .
24 However , neither of these claims is self-evident as it stands , and a quizzical holist will want to question their force .
25 Having said this , I consider that the Commission is right when it argues that to require all owners and operators of British fishing vessels to have their residence in the United Kingdom goes beyond what is permitted under article 52 of the E.E.C .
26 What is particularly significant about this passage is the strength of conviction the teacher demonstrates that this kind of informal assessment is right because it provides the maximum amount of feedback to all concerned , and furthermore is an integral part of the learning process , and not , as so often happens , an adjunct to it .
27 Since Malinowski made no secret of his earthy , materialist view of man 's motives it is odd that it has taken modern exponents of transactional analysis and game theory so long to recognize his pioneering achievements in this field .
28 His output is prodigious and it springs from the unbending control he exercises over every aspect of his life .
29 IBM 's emergency board meeting ousts the entire management , but Thanksgiving by IBM employees is short-lived as it appoints W Michael Blumenthal to succeed John Akers .
30 The Commission is multi-disciplinary and it exists to provide independent medical opinions to consent to treatment ; to keep the powers of detention under review ; to prepare a Code of Practice ; and to visit and interview detained patients and investigate individual complaints .
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