Example sentences of "is [adj] [prep] them [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However they do acknowledge that many children can be more confident and more assertive than others , but that this is due to them receiving unconditional love .
2 It is usual for them to come in two equal length pieces to fit a central ferrule .
3 Low-rise houses , on the contrary , can be improved and extended by their occupants as and when it is possible for them to do so .
4 I hesitate to use adjectives as to what they would be like if they did n't spend at that level , but we believe it is possible for them to do so and there is something wrong with their spending levels if they do n't do it .
5 When their control is threatened it is possible for them to obtain relief by displacing a prominently misbehaving pupil .
6 Members of congress , by contrast , enjoy great power without responsibility ; it is possible for them to wallow in carping criticism and to engage in other negative tactics free from the anxiety of ever having to shoulder the responsibility for government — a burden that the president can not escape .
7 You have to be straight and up front with children to let them know that it is OK for them to use their own words and explain their concerns in their won way , ’ says Brown .
8 Therefore either the customers must continually be changing identity ( so it is sensible for them to engage in some search ) and some expectation must have been built up about potential high benefits to search , or else search costs must be truly trivial , in order for the potential incumbent to stand a chance of usurping the established firm .
9 Often , the counsellor will need to assure them that it is acceptable for them to grieve over their loneliness , their losses and bereavements , and to explore their feelings about life generally .
10 Bankers retaliate by pointing out that accountants ' advice is invariably based on historic record rather than future possibility , and that it is impossible for them to give impartial advice if they have been auditing their clients ' books over the past years .
11 They need those decision structures because it is impossible for them to know enough to control activities directly .
12 mainly in those areas which concern women ; it is impossible for them to disappear from one day to the next .
13 Reforms aimed at refashioning the welfare state , so that it acts as a floor on which the underclass can build by their own efforts , rather than a ceiling through which it is impossible for them to pass , are considered in Part IV .
14 If the mud flats freeze over , it is impossible for them to find sufficient food .
15 Because they are experts and you are not it is easy for them to take the initiative .
16 Applying scientific methods to art conservation is easy for them to cope with .
17 Nine man 's morris is just erm one of the games that is easy for them to devise if yo , if you want me to teach you how to play it , if you do n't know already I will .
18 Young people with no job lose confidence and it is easy for them to slide into living in reversal of night and day .
19 It is easy for them to play football , it 's like other sports but I mean , people say that sports is nay for women !
20 When an organization invites the Prince or Princess of Wales to make a speech on their behalf , it is customary for them to write a draft , incorporating any appropriate facts and figures or particular message that they want conveyed in the speech .
21 It is hard for them to find the relevance to their lives of the words that are being used .
22 They know that their children are stronger than them in many ways and it is hard for them to come to terms with that and still keep their dignity and self-respect .
23 It is hard for them to convince the rich countries to make sacrifices on their behalf .
24 Social researchers wish to establish clear findings from their work but it is natural for them to want to stretch or overplay the evidence .
25 As computer whizzes , the twins ' main expertise is the logic of programming languages , so it is natural for them to discuss story-telling in terms of program-writing .
26 ‘ In Italy young women live with their families ; it is unheard-of for them to leave home . ’
27 It is helpful for them to recognize that if they intend to carry through what they say , they may need to reduce the number of demands that they make on the child .
28 They often think that if their flying is good enough , it is safe for them to press on in any weather conditions .
29 He needs to persuade foreigners that it is safe for them to lend the best part of £1000 million a week to the Treasury ; and he needs to persuade Britons that it is safe for them to start spending their money again .
30 He needs to persuade foreigners that it is safe for them to lend the best part of £1000 million a week to the Treasury ; and he needs to persuade Britons that it is safe for them to start spending their money again .
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