Example sentences of "is [prep] [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The rest of his discussion in these few pages is about how all sorts of possible answers could be proposed , involving the ‘ balancing of social values ’ .
2 It is for just such situations that the army plans and trains , and many years of trial and error have resulted in a hierarchy in which the number of subordinates at most levels is between 3 and 6 .
3 The same implications attach to the playing of games or the membership of clubs and so on , although what is of even more interest are the ‘ unwritten ’ rules which underwrite the more formal , quasi-legal , ones .
4 This is of even more moment if , instead of acts of real violence , displays of weapons or aborted action-sequences are produced within a ritual framework .
5 Whilst this may be attractive for the marketing companies it is of very little help to the consumer .
6 ‘ A copy of the letter is of very little use to our scientific experts . ’
7 Robert Sharpe , for example , quotes from a major review by the toxicologists Zbinden and Flury-Roversi : ‘ For the recognition of the symptomatology of acute poisoning in man , and for the determination of the human lethal dose , the LD50 is of very little value ’ ( 1989 : 104 ) .
8 ‘ Believe me , Alice , it is of very little value , ’ Félix interrupted her .
9 But her evidence by itself is of very little value .
10 It needs to be emphasised that in marking intonation , only stressed syllables are marked ; this implies that intonation is carried entirely by the stressed syllables of a tone-unit and that the pitch of unstressed syllables is either predictable from that of stressed syllables or is of so little importance that it is not worth marking .
11 This rationale , however , is of considerably less significance now .
12 For a philosopher , whether an idea is logical or illogical is very important , but for an historian of ideas this concern is of relatively little significance .
13 For example , whilst advertising is very important in reaching out to consumer markets , it is of relatively little significance to industrial markets , where personal selling is the most popular method .
14 Like ‘ mere ’ compatibility , ‘ mere ’ incompatibility is of relatively little interest : the fact that affix and volcano are incompatibles is not specially informative .
15 It has been argued that death-feigning in natural circumstances is of comparatively little use and far too risky to become a major defence strategy .
16 At the presentation , Sir Humphry did not pass up the chance to impress upon the business world the great value of science to their endeavours : ‘ Science , gentlemen , is of infinitely more importance to a state than may at first sight appear possible ; for no source of wealth and power can be entirely independent of it ; and no class of men are so well able to appreciate its advantages as that to which I am addressing myself .
17 In the visual arts , for example , I believe that the work of Barnet Newman is of immeasurably more value than that of Andy Warhol .
18 From the user 's point of view , the source of a requested item is of far less interest than speed of supply .
19 CRITIC : Helen Williams is against too many exams
20 Fast motion can be used to express erotic tension and desire , if the purpose is comic rather than romantic — if we had laughed at the romantic yearnings of Cecile or even Frankie , the film would be failing , even though the treatment of these themes is throughout as much comic as tragic — ‘ bitter-sweet ’ seems to be the compound word , or better still the mot juste is ‘ douce-amère ’ .
21 It is with precisely such phenomena that the methodology of the interpretive paradigm is concerned , and without them any conclusions drawn about the final product will be partial and uninformative .
22 It is from just these categories that notions of sensibility traditionally take their meaning .
23 The place which now bears its name is in quite another part of town and is run by men who did n't even know Madame .
24 Yet it is in precisely this sort of situation that a woman who has hitherto chosen to stay at home with her children may need to seek work .
25 The next question that arises is in how many ways can one decompose a given number as such a sum of squares ?
26 Since the monarchy is in so many respects the visible representation of the nation , the merest whiff of criticism draws the fire of every tub-thumping little Englander with access to a microphone .
27 The imposition of vertical resale price maintenance ( RPM ) is in almost all cases illegal , in the UK through the Resale Prices Act 1976 , and through Article 85(1) concerning cross-border trades .
28 Classic Pop if such an oxymoronic designation is possible is on again this month at Gagosian ( uptown ) where ‘ James Rosenquist The Early Paintings ’ continues that gallery 's succession of early 1960's shows .
29 The start is at 9am each day and the competition sponsored by McDonald 's .
30 Indeed , it is at exactly this stage of Picasso 's evolution that one senses behind his art the presence of this great ‘ primitive ’ who in his naiveté had unconsciously succeeded in ignoring the forces which had influenced French painting for the past fifty years , the forces against which Picasso and his friends were most immediately reacting .
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