Example sentences of "is [that] you can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever your scenario in December , what is being brought home to you is that you can no longer stand on the sidelines of your own life .
2 What is especially good about this unit is that you can also replicate big brother SVT 's trademark ‘ growl ’ , if required ; the limiter can be set to allow the power amp to be safely overdriven , without fear of blowing the speakers apart with harmful transistorised clipping .
3 A very useful feature of the program is that you can also print out what is on the screen at any time , ( commonly known as a ‘ screen dump ’ because the computer literally ‘ dumps ’ the contents of the screen to the printer . )
4 The main thing about a hallway , however , is that you can not go anywhere in the house without passing through it .
5 Freer-Smith added , ‘ The problem with surveys is that you can not establish a causal relationship . ’
6 The official factory view is that you can not but as the vehicles have been out of production for thirty years , testing by the factory has not been carried out .
7 The corollary of not being able to force people to think clean is that you can not force them to think dirty either .
8 A common reply to this is that you can not have social control without crime or deviance and hence , if social control is necessary , then crime and deviance must be , too .
9 Outgoing FAXES are produced in much better quality than normal FAX machines as there is no ‘ scanning ’ of the original document — the only disadvantage is that you can not send an existing document , unless it has been previously sent to you , or you key it into Word processing or Desk Top Publishing .
10 The trouble with being blind is that you can not see yourself .
11 On April 11 the Prime Minister , V. P. Singh , warned in a speech in the Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) : " Our message to Pakistan is that you can not get away with taking Kashmir without a war . "
12 The trouble with this alien business is that you can not trust your senses .
13 One of the other things , of course , we 've got to always bear in mind when we und , try to understand the parables of Jesus is that you can not , and Jesus never meant for us , to find us u our , you know a parallel for every single little detail , the for for the colour of this , or the colour of that , or th the shape of something else , he did n't expect us and did n't mean for us to find out a pa a a parallel , a meaning for every single detail because otherwise you 're gon na be contradicting yourself again and again but what we must see is , what is the main basic truth that Jesus is teaching here ?
14 So the important thing about this is that you can not , you can not just say modern equals bad , and trad is good because you must in order to argue Paul examine the
15 The golden rule of this type of plan , in fact , there 's quite a few , the first one I really to want you to , just take on board , is that you can not be better off financially , by claiming under this policy , than you were when you were actually at work .
16 The beauty of it is that you can easily move them around on the wood .
17 One big advantage of using Creation 6 for Deco card designing is that you can always check whether the pattern will repeat both side to side and vertically , very easily .
18 If there 's any reason why I can have group supply , is that you can always pick on somebody to blame it all on , of course .
19 The good news is that you can usually tell which type of value a keyname experts by looking at the value that is already there before you start .
20 Another advantage of being able to tie the punt to stakes so that it remains still is that you can then leger fish , which is otherwise impossible to do correctly due to the punt swinging around and giving false bites .
21 The answer is that you can still proceed .
22 One major problem is that you can never prove the life of an item .
23 I might have checked out the financial aspects of buying into the station , but one thing I 've learned over the years is that you can never do too much research .
24 The danger of writing when you are abnormally tired — as well as bitterly cold — is that you can too easily lose control by digressing too far from the important things that need to be expressed free of any other clutter .
25 However , the great advantage of a good video is that you can actually witness the process of developing a piece of work , stage by stage , and be shown individual techniques , as well as be informed and entertained .
26 In a sense the whole point of making a group protest , for example , is that you can actually display some strong feelings or other , and is n't the , the point achieving a balance between some acceptable way of maybe even physically showing your disapproval of something and something which goes over the boundaries , actually ends up with damage being done to people or property ?
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