Example sentences of "is [that] it [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The government 's official line is that it is aiming for an agreement with East Germany on monetary matters by the end of next month ; it does not deny reports that D-Day for GEMU could be July 1st .
2 What is extraordinary is that it is taking off in England — the land of the Stiff Upper Lip , where the primary emotion often seems to be fear of embarrassment .
3 One view of the overall employment implications of new technology is that it is bringing about the collapse of work .
4 But let us be clear about just what it is that it is seeing .
5 He added : ‘ The picture we are getting is that it is spreading nationally .
6 The hon. Gentleman has said that it is in the process of acquiring two incredibly beautiful works and the point is that it is acquiring them even though they cost much more than the nominal amount of Government grant available .
7 The list is longer , but what I am getting at is that it is going to be extremely expensive to cut down this pollution .
8 The weight of the evidence is that it is growing stronger and more united and , as I shall go on to argue , this can be best explained within the context of the culture-ideology of consumerism .
9 What I 'm trying to say is that it 's providing for people already here that I think should be a major item of population policy , and doing it not in a massive world sense , or even a country , but in particular areas as well .
10 The IS coordinator , for example , suggested that : the only problem is that it 's developing too fast .
11 Jamila said , ‘ What I 've agreed with myself is that it 's going to be tonight , at midnight , when I decide what to do .
12 The short answer is that it 's going to be tough on your new family .
13 The difference the benefit to this er the advertising here is that it 's going to be repeat .
14 in which he says that erm the more convinced that she is that it 's going to be fatal in its operation , the more determined apparently she is that Adam shall share .
15 The difficulty I think that we 're facing , is that it 's happening in year two of a four year transition period , before we 've really got to grips with what the long-term position is , what the overall demands are , and to what degree we are going to be able to model , change , control and , and influence those demands .
16 The good news I hear from feminist friends is that it 's becoming old hat these days to involve the father in childbirth .
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