Example sentences of "is [that] [pron] are [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The only difference is that we are setting that fact out clearly in the rules so that people know .
2 What we do know , however , is that we are seeing a green patch , and our experience has a particular , qualitative — indeed paintable — character .
3 An important qualification is that we are looking at groups of professionals and the manner in which they are organised rather than at individual teachers — at this latter level there can be little doubt that many individual teachers do respond to client needs despite the structure around them .
4 I 'm sure most people know by know , that er this show will be coming to you live from Sydney , Australia , for a whole week to mark Australia Day at the end of January , and er the interesting thing from your point of view , is that we are looking for two couples , can be a husband and wife , er mother and daughter , father and son , any combination really , just a couple of friends .
5 But certainly we er as I said , the essential point is that we are looking , looking at the capability across the board and taking into account the strategic requirement as we see it in terms of the direct threat to the U K in particular , which is obviously dramatically declined as a result of the collapse of the Warsaw pact .
6 The consensus , however , is that we are moving in the right direction and the further 1% cut in base rates and its knock-on effect on mortgages is the best tonic the country could get .
7 The reality is that we are dealing with half of a metropolitan region because it is manageable on this scale for the study of residential patterns and it makes sense to review base at the same level .
8 The truth is that we are dealing not with one-off exceptional cases of hardship , affecting only a small minority of students , but with a widespread and damaging problem affecting thousands of students .
9 The net result of all of this is that we are deleting two words from point ten the rest of the procedure stands .
10 ‘ We 're playing some superb football but what is awesome is that we are getting better .
11 So I wo n't go through the rest of it , it 's a long and er it 's just brought us on the same sort of thing , but what it proves is that we are getting somewhere and that is what I thought was rather important news , which I want to do .
12 In answer is that we are banning smoking because smoking in any form is bad for you .
13 Friday twenty eighth of June passes without incident apart from a quick visit from the local constabulary asking us to consider what a dangerous stunt it is that we are trying to pull .
14 ‘ The important thing is that we are learning a new language .
15 The method concerns itself both with what the underlying unit actually is , and also with how likely it is that we are observing a real effect rather than some random one .
16 In verses three to five the psalmist reminds us who it is that we are coming to .
17 However , the problem is that we are approaching things on the Balcerowicz model , the Polish model .
18 Our current network strategy is that we are running a single Ethernet composed of three segments from three servers ( Science , Administration , Library ) linked by thin Ethernet through repeaters .
19 One factor here is that we are increasing the number of referees we use outside Britain , and this may sometimes increase delay , although electronic communication is shrinking the globe fast .
20 The fact is that we are contemplating not a two-tier health service but a better health service .
21 On the other hand Mr Ernest Saunders , Chief Executive of Guinness , claimed that : ‘ The important thing is that we are going to create a major new international brands business in Britain — the first since Beecham 's in the 1950s ’ .
22 Our eyes do not wander randomly around the page when we are reading , but certain sorts of words are fixated more often than others ( O'Regan , 1979 ) , and this means that we must know in advance of a fixation where it is that we are going to look next .
23 Yet as we religious communicators no longer have the clout we once had , the result is that we are talking primarily to ourselves .
24 The crucial thing is that we are talking about fees charged by the homes , not about reasonable costs .
25 All we dare claim is that we are making them better readers ’ ( p. 56 ) .
26 It was therefore natural for Keynes 's interpreters to infer that the supply curve of labour was horizontal at an arbitrarily given money wage rate for all levels of employment up to full employment : after all , an implication of the unwillingness of workers to accept a wage cut is that they are refusing to supply their labour at a lower money wage .
27 ‘ What they do n't realise is that they are dealing with a high-risk food product , ’ he warned .
28 They may watch it knowingly as a piece of kitsch , but the point is that they are watching it .
29 What is also new is that they are building on and developing research in the various components of information skills .
30 One of the reasons being put forward is that they are jumping on a bandwagon which unfortunately is worldwide .
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