Example sentences of "is [not/n't] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bad though it is , the figure suggests that Guatemala is not yet back to the horrors of the early 1980s when death squads , organised by military presidents , murdered at will .
2 He will probably feel even more hard done by if she is not yet back from her new job .
3 He is not yet out of the woods .
4 That great baby you see there is not yet out of his swaddling clouts …
5 The book was well received by the Lancet and British Medical Journal , but savagely attacked by an anonymous reviewer in the Medical Times and Gazette of 1859 , who dismissed it , in a ridiculous review for which the most likely reason was personal animosity or jealousy , as ‘ a book which is not wanted [ and ] is not even up to the mark of the existing vade-mecums .
6 It is not just up to women to negotiate safer sex , any more than it is just up to men .
7 Creating a country-style look in your home is not just down to selecting the appropriate paint colours and fabrics .
8 Such numbers , and the controversial circumstances of several of the shootings , have sent Mr Burgreen scrambling to give the impression that his department is not completely out of control .
9 Even ‘ irony ’ is not always out of place , though it is beneficent .
10 Past Glories suggested he is on the way back when third to Kribensis in the Fighting Fifth at Newcastle , while Floyd is not quite up to it in the highest class these days .
11 Out of sight is not necessarily out of mind .
12 However , this pastoral mission is not only up against hardened heathens , but it also considers that some ought not even to be read the lesson .
13 In Darwinian terms , a sterile worker is not better off for being in a colony .
14 Birchall is n't just along for the ride — he 's an integral part of a finely-balanced three-wheel missile .
15 Franco gestured at his head with two fingers and thumb cocked , ‘ But the bad dream is n't quite over for our beloved Leader , ’ he hit the words hard , for the benefit of a passerby , who smiled and nodded in assent .
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