Example sentences of "is [not/n't] [verb] into [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( a ) conducted in a lawful and orderly manner such that no nuisance or annoyance is caused to the University or others lawfully on the University 's premises and that the University 's name or standing is not brought into disrepute .
2 Mothers stay at home for three years after the birth of their babies on 70% of their salary ( inflation is not taken into consideration ) .
3 Similarly seasonal effects may distort the situation if this is not taken into account .
4 employment for longer than 20 years is not taken into account ;
5 The reason for this is that , while their husbands were drawing national insurance unemployment benefit , additional income to the household is not taken into account when determining eligibility for that benefit .
6 The actual workload of doctors does not necessarily reflect accurately the potential demand for their services , as unmet need is not taken into account .
7 The pedagogical frame of reference — which ought to describe and define the functions that the knowledge will serve — is not taken into account .
8 If someone else is living in your home , for example someone who has been caring for you , this may also mean the value is not taken into account .
9 Should this not be taken into account , and does it not appear that it is not taken into account in the voluntary code ?
10 Yet this is not taken into account in the YTM curve , which assumes a flat payments pattern .
11 Unlike legal aid where applicants must qualify financially , the financial status of an applicant before the Commissioner is not taken into account .
12 If the property given was excluded property then although it would reduce the value of the estate of Mr X that gift is ignored and the reduction in the value of the estate of Mr X caused by the gift of excluded property is not taken into account .
13 The astronaut is not launched into space without many months of simulation of the conditions he will encounter .
14 If self-examination is not to deteriorate into introspection or be ignored we need wise guides with whom to articulate the inner movement of our spirits and the outer movement of our lives .
15 Thus we have a situation where data is not transformed into information , ie what staff need is information that addresses a specific need or objective of their job , and what typically they receive is a mass of data not properly tailored to their needs and so difficult to penetrate that it falls into disuse .
16 The aim of RE according to the phenomenologists is promoting respect for , and understanding of , religion and its significance for behaviour in such a way as to leave intact pupils ' integrity — it is not educating into religion in any way , but educating about religion understood as more than information because involving a positive and creative approach to pluralism .
17 And I 'm just wondering whether er the er point at nineteen ninety one is a correct v in view of the under-enumeration er in the census which is n't taken into account .
18 Right , however , variability is something that is n't taken into account , right , in our normal models of profit , profit maximizing behaviour .
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