Example sentences of "is [conj] he [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Antony 's only request is that he may speak at his funeral .
2 Another risk run by the shopkeeper who deals with a married woman is that he may find that , though she has property , her husband is insolvent .
3 The Civil Service in Britain has always this feeling that the problem with a specialist is that he may get too committed to his specialism .
4 But my guess is that he 'll sleep most of the morning and probably wake up feeling much better .
5 He 's won umpteen Grands Prix and if Dalgety could have managed a tighter mechanical edge last season the general consensus is that he would have been world champion .
6 Ralph says basically that they do n't exist , so how could there be one and Simon 's view is that he would know if there was a beast and that they 're just really frightened of each other .
7 The point of mentioning John is that he used to work at the massive Hoover plant in West London .
8 If the director had been gay my guess is that he 'd have been stereotyped . ’
9 The important thing for the conductor is that he must learn what it is possible to ask for .
10 It is , nevertheless , pretty easy for a solicitor to transfer to the Bar : the most onerous requirement is that he must spend six months in pupillage .
11 Wittgenstein explicitly rejects what Locke and Brentano unquestioningly accept , namely that there is a perfectly proper epistemological question , ‘ How is it that a person can say what he himself believes , expects , hopes , and so on ? ’ to which the answer is that he must have observed in himself a mental operation , process , state , or whatever you like to call it , of believing , expecting , hoping , and so on .
12 Even if the court can not point to the actual error , nevertheless , if the figure is so extravagantly large or so inadequately small that the only conclusion is that he must have gone wrong somewhere , then the court will interfere in much the same way as the Court of Appeal will interfere with an award of damages if it is a wholly erroneous estimate .
13 Received opinion in the art world is that he could command tens of thousands for each portrait .
14 Another possibility is that he could have been Stuart .
15 If problems exist which the client sees as significant the probability is that he will welcome the opportunity to discuss them — provided the questioner is confident and has rapport .
16 He would n't touch anybody , I do n't think , but his verbal abuse is out of this world , you know , whenever you and the thing is that he will persist in sitting in the church smoking his head off .
17 The more partners a man has had , the more likely it is that he will entertain fantasies about people with whom he has not yet had a sexual relationship .
18 And what 's even more sure is that he will do it in some style .
19 My opinion is that he will do nothing .
20 All that Keay is prepared to say on the subject is that he will continue to coach Middlesex in the county championship .
21 The first thing he wants to say is that he will sponsor the Leukaemia Research Fund wicketkeeping effort .
22 I am doubtful about the validity of ‘ torturing the evidence ’ : surely , if you torture someone the usual result is that he will speak the truth .
23 My understanding is that he will try to find half-a-dozen wood processing / wood craft companies whose adverts would feature within the eight pages of editorial to be supplied by COED CYMRU .
24 My bet is that he will spend next summer following the fortunes of his friend Nigel Mansell on the Indycar trail , while doing the groundwork for a team of his own in CART for 1994 .
25 The more varied or diversified the business of the client , and the larger the amount of insurance to be placed , the more likely it is that he will look around the market for himself in order to obtain the best terms .
26 It would destroy jobs , er all I would say to the honourable gentleman is that he will have noticed that the Chancellor of the Exchequer er used one of the announcements in his budget statement on the thirtieth of November last year er to announce that we shall be introducing a modern apprenticeship scheme .
27 The betting is that he will get his way .
28 The Director of Highways ' position on this matter is that he will resist the transfer of ownership of the above property asset to Oatridge Agricultural College .
29 With reference to subsections 5(4) and ( 5 ) the consequence of the buyer being allowed to treat the sale as fraudulent is that he can bring an action for damages and that he can rescind the contract , i.e. refuse to pay or take delivery or , if he has paid , demand the return of the price .
30 The answer is that he can maintain the action if at the time of the defendant 's act he had ( a ) ownership and possession of the goods , or ( b ) possession of them ; or ( c ) an immediate right to possess them , but without either ownership or actual possession .
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