Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Filtered blood is widely used to treat recurrent non-haemolytic febrile reactions in patients who depend on regular blood transfusions .
2 One of these is the methanation reaction which occurs over a nickel metal catalyst and which was originally discovered by Sabatier and Senderens 80 years ago , Although this is widely used to make synthetic natural gas for example , there is even more interest in the production of compounds containing higher numbers of carbon atoms .
3 A group of shearling rams , currently being prepared for sale this season , is widely considered to contain some of the best sheep the flock has ever produced .
4 When love comes to a man in the form of grace he has the assurance that he is accepted , and is thereby enabled to experience self-integration once more , and the feeling of being reunited with others .
5 The company is rarely persuaded to change that assessment , even in the light of competition from other companies .
6 Growing in acid soil singularly poor in nutrients , it is remarkably adapted to obtain essential nitrogen from small invertebrates .
7 Although Stone is committed to replanting the woods , and is expressly forbidden to exploit neighbouring hardwood forests , ecologists and local Indian communities fear that the whole Mosquito Coast will be vulnerable from " spin-off " development resulting from the construction of roads into the area .
8 Now he is slowly learning to curb those excesses .
9 This middle-range theory is wholly equipped to interpret any process of decision consistently with its assumptions .
10 Disordered hair is constantly used to reflect social chaos by the police and is a prime signifier of everything that is offensive to the world of ‘ real polising ’ .
11 Any teacher is constantly having to make difficult value judgements .
12 With such large adsorption heats indicating a very strong interaction , it becomes an important consideration whether the C-O bond is sufficiently weakened to produce dissociative adsorption .
13 Lakatos 's account of science is sufficiently structured to avoid that consequence .
14 The technology for exchanging information among individual registries or groups of registries through computerized networks is sufficiently established to allow easy national and international access to the registry or registries in question .
15 It is extremely agile , and is especially suited to short rapid passages ( containing , for preference , quick repeated notes in which a hard , expressionless , tone-quality is desirable .
16 The hon. Gentleman is merely trying to raise obscure scares about our proposals when he knows from his own visit to the association that the policy is extremely popular with all the principals and that his statement — that the colleges would be given back to his friends in Labour councils — was greeted with widespread dismay there .
17 This list is by no means exhaustive and is only intended to illustrate some of the most commonplace reasons for the non-reporting of crime .
18 With a 10 year operational life , the new reprocessing plant is only intended to handle 6000 tonnes of spent fuel — two thirds of which may come from overseas .
19 The operator is only used to give special service to customers and to connect incoming calls , while the extensions have the convenience and speed of dialling their own calls .
20 This is only going to accelerate that process
21 because the rag is only going to stay damp on the outside
22 The familiar bright green printed front panel is sensibly recessed to avoid accidental damage to the controls , as are the rear panel and amp cooling fins .
23 Job opportunities for expatriates vary from country to country in that in countries where the native population is high , every effort is naturally made to employ local nationals rather than expatriates .
24 Indeed the York greenbelt is entirely designed to do that .
25 Of the two British studies , neither finds strong support for the managerialist view , but this is perhaps unsurprising given that there is likely to be an under-reporting of what respondents consider will be perceived as deviant behaviour .
26 Europe , with its temperate climate and its vegetation greatly modified by cultivation , is less calculated to stimulate such observations ; in moist tropical forests , in the Sahara , and in the tundras , the close connexion between the character of the vegetation and the conditions of extreme climates is revealed by the most evident adaptations .
27 The Christie 's pictures have been consigned by a European private foundation which is apparently intending to purchase more works with the proceeds , a surprising reason given the importance of the present group .
28 Well , er , equity accounting , James is better placed to answer that question than me .
29 It is probably true , its probably the case that every single person in the room is better placed to write this procedure then Jenny .
30 Nor is it obvious that today 's generation is better placed to bear higher taxes than tomorrow 's generation — continuing economic growth would indeed argue the other way round .
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