Example sentences of "is [adv] [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 In spite of its rarity in oral language , it is widely assumed to be easy to read , and hence is freely introduced into children 's fiction and other early reading materials .
2 This neglect is widely perceived to be a major unresolved problem .
3 A second important barrier is that factoring is widely perceived to be expensive .
4 There can be no doubt that the way of life argument is widely felt to be relevant to the issue of primary school closure in rural areas .
5 Britain 's clinical research is widely acknowledged to be in very bad shape .
6 It is a fishing port of sufficient importance to justify the laying of a single track railway to it from Fort William , this passing through scenery of such exquisite beauty that it is widely acknowledged to be the most delightful railway in Britain .
7 There , 50 or so textile mills produce what is widely acknowledged to be the finest wool cloth in the world .
8 The over-reliance on occupational class , which is widely acknowledged to be of diminishing utility in stratifying many social groups , has falsely persuaded some commentators that inequalities in mortality are shallower among adolescents than at any other stage in the life cycle .
9 DUFF House , near Banff , is widely recognised to be one of William Adams 's finest achievements .
10 A certain amount of attention is paid to colonialism in seeking an explanation for the political power of the bureaucracy in post-colonial states , and in particular its ‘ overdevelopment ’ in relation to other political institutions , since the role assigned to bureaucracy under colonialism is widely reckoned to be responsible for its present dominance .
11 The sacristy , reached after the second altar on the right , is widely believed to be the most beautiful in Milan because of the carved cupboards , the work of Giovanni Taurino , a master carver who was also responsible for the confessionals which he completed in 1596 .
12 Nevertheless it is widely believed to be the finest of all the remaining gates of the Spanish walls .
13 Various scientists have pioneered contact lens research but a sketch by Leonardo da Vinci is widely believed to be the earliest known reference to the principle of a contact lens ( Fig. 3 ) .
14 The grandson , who lives in Germany , is widely believed to be the driving force behind the court case .
15 While appropriate for armies , this model of organization is widely believed to be too inflexible , remote , impersonal , ineffective and inefficient for welfare provision .
16 The Booksellers and Publishers Associations are concerned that the trade and the public will be lulled into a false sense of security by recent press reports that the Prime Minister is taking control of economic policy and that he is widely believed to be against increasing taxes , including VAT .
17 The next stage is the 586 , which is widely believed to be the P5 processor which Intel has pre-announced .
18 The thrust of the above arguments is the suggestion that there is , or is widely believed to be , a trade-off between efficiency and equity whose precise form is unknown .
19 That leaves difficult cases where an expert has reached a decision which is widely believed to be incorrect but can not be challenged .
20 It would force a return to the Roads –n Urban Areas style of road and housing layout which is widely agreed to be less than desirable –
21 In the past it has taken great efforts by the Merseyside and Greater Manchester police to keep supporters apart in what is widely thought to be the most intense antagonism in the League .
22 THE recent rise in global-mean surface air temperature is widely thought to be the result of increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases , but there are discrepancies between the predicted response of the atmosphere to this radiative forcing and the observed temperature changes .
23 The longer scheme is widely thought to be better and I should like it to be more at the centre of the proposals , as I want the environment as a whole to be at the centre .
24 The next step in that process is widely expected to be the sale next week of Cockburn 's of Leith , a wine merchant subsidiary .
25 Jiang is widely expected to be named China 's president in addition to his current post during the annual meeting of the National People 's Congress that begins on Monday .
26 The number of deaths from asthma in England and Wales is widely reported to be about 2000 a year .
27 For instance , did you know that on average they have increased spending on books and equipment by ninety percent and that sixty percent of schools employ at least one more teacher and many employ more classroom support staff and that morale among teachers is widely reported to be higher , even where before those teachers opposed grant maintained status .
28 Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock is widely claimed to be the first comet discovered by an orbiting observatory — the Infrared Astronomical Satellite , IRAS .
29 Priestley 's most famous addition in 1774 is widely claimed to be oxygen .
30 Glossy dark bronze-green foliage is widely held to be very resistant ; in some places it is , but in others it can look as though a flour sack has burst .
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