Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 Often their private ‘ non-political ’ opinion is that the National Front are to be condemned as extremists ; but since what the National Front is extreme about is racism , this implies that it is all right to be moderately racist .
2 We must face the problem of possible rejection and realize it is all right to show our true feelings and that it is all right to be rejected .
3 It is important to understand that the ratio decidendi of a particular case is not wholly to be found in the case itself ; rather one must look to the way in which later courts interpret the case .
4 The rough calculation of £200,000 to support a Wallaby squad on such retainers is not yet to be found in the coffers of the Australian Rugby Football Union .
5 somewhat concerned at the er production sharing is not yet to be agreed er i i i is there a formula that is going to be applied ?
6 ‘ Our task over the next few years is not just to be an effective Parliamentary opposition but to lead great national debates about the future direction of our country and to forge a new national consensus across a range of issues . ’
7 As Terry Dennett says , the point is not just to be visible as a human being but t make the process visible .
8 The idea is not just to be there for employees with minor complaints like headaches — the department is mainly concerned with much bigger issues like the general health of employees while on the Park Royal site .
9 For such Catholic sixth forms or sixth form colleges , therefore , the challenge is not simply to be as good as the alternative but to exceed it in reputation and appeal .
10 John Lee , M.P. , made a similar point : ‘ This is , above all , an intimate field of emotional human relationships where rationality is not always to be expected of human beings .
11 The object is to ride on an unusual or distinctive tram , photograph it and to place it in unusual locations where it is not usually to be seen .
12 The subject of this chapter is not usually to be found in books on polymers .
13 He is not there to be my friend .
14 The knowledge with which it deals originates outside us ; the concept of nature standing over against us is not lightly to be abandoned .
15 To be a layman , even to be anticlerical , is not necessarily to be irreligious .
16 To say this is not necessarily to be an obscurantist hankerer after vitalism , a wistful adherent of a dualist view of " the ghost in the machine " .
17 To avoid considering these consequences on the grounds that they were not intended is not only to be blind to much human suffering , but also to accept the relative positions of intention compared with indifference on a common-sense hierarchy of immorality .
18 Civil Society is not then to be viewed merely as the world of individual needs , but rather … as sets of structured , institutionalized social practices .
19 It is also said that he leaves the defence undermanned , but neither charge was proved on Saturday as Barcelona rode adversity in an absorbing match that emphasised , as one knew it would , how hurried and imprecise so much of the British game has become and how necessary it is that we cherish such exceptions as Liverpool , Norwich and Nottingham Forest if the art is not essentially to be driven out .
20 This last feature of the Nottinghamshire story , at least , is not entirely to be recommended — though it has , in fact , been widely repeated around the country .
21 It is not enough to be able to translate a topic into themes : ability to see a theme in turn translated back into action is a necessity .
22 Amzallag says that to be successful ‘ it is not enough to be technically good .
23 This is normally only to be found in very large orchestras , but is a regular member of the wind band and clarinet choir .
24 The easy course , in fact , in a life of ‘ self-sufficiency ’ is to drift from day to day , working hard but always responding to circumstances ; on a subsistence holding like ours , there is always somewhere to be weeded ; something to be mended or maintained .
25 To engage in activities defined as ‘ craft ’ without thinking about it might appear to be a merry dance but the sludge is always there to be slipped up in .
26 Anyone who is interested in the human side of innovation , and who suspects that the management of change is a subtle business , about which there is always more to be learned , might find something useful here .
27 WOMEN play a large part in the life of the Church , but there is always more to be done .
28 But the Labour Party is still nowhere to be seen .
29 Even now , nearly 100 years after that disability has been removed , the imprint of the old law is still clearly to be seen .
30 But there is still more to be said about linguistic norms .
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