Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Erm the next session is rather hard work for you cos it 's very much sort of listening and absorbing a hell of a lot of facts , but I trust you will bear with me .
2 ‘ You see , it is rather bad luck for you that you happened to come here on one of our meatless days . ’
3 The new ministers soon find that there is remarkably little room for manoeuvre , and that most of the quick and easy panaceas to the intractable problems of Defence have been tried many times before .
4 Given that the announcement is outstandingly good news for the hon. Lady and her constituents , it is unfortunate that she should wish to introduce a divisive note .
5 Right can I just ask a wee quick question which is highly personal liability for eight thousand pounds of tax and I 'm also a guarantor for my son 's mortgage
6 There is especially favourable treatment for partnerships in their first few years of trading and , similarly , special rules apply when a ‘ cessation ’ occurs .
7 This is especially bad news for lovers of the seaside holiday .
8 Thus there is only limited scope for crop and livestock production in Lewis and Harris .
9 This is only circumstantial evidence for a link between food sensitivity and colic , of course , but it is of interest .
10 There is naturally widespread sympathy for the sincere objectives lying behind the proposal , and this is shared by CPRW .
11 In these circumstances in my judgment there is entirely adequate support for Paul of the sort that Mrs envisaged and indeed I am inclined to the view that one to one dedicated support for him out of classroom hours may not be desirable and might well tend at least to come between him and his fellow pupils so if one turns to Mrs schedule one on page forty seven , papers before me , I think that the appropriate arithmetic is to provide for twenty hours per week at seven pounds per hour for thirty seven school weeks , that is an enabler for the school period , I confess that I find it much easier to deal with Mrs schedules on page forty seven by treating schedule one as having to do with the , the school period , schedule two having to deal with the home periods and schedule three with parental care , as it is actually set out on page forty seven , and I confess that during the case I kept confusing myself about this point , schedule one deals not only with school but also , rather confusingly , with an enabler at home and I think it easier to confine that schedule to er school time .
12 At the same time , we must have a proper national debate to see how many estuaries can be changed from being tidal areas , where there is extremely good feeding for birds , to areas which , in effect , become inland lakes .
13 is extremely good news for business , for householders and for those on a fixed income , and will he continue the policy of reducing the inflation rate ?
14 It seems to represent a programme which is extremely good value for the taxpayer and which offers the best prospects of much better services for the user .
15 The head-teacher is extremely busy preparing for a meeting .
16 ‘ There is obviously long-term rehabilitation for Mick , but he is on the way back . ’
17 ‘ There is obviously long-term rehabilitation for Mick , but he is on the way back . ’
18 There is obviously little room for the school to be directly involved in curriculum development at any level .
19 It is obviously wasteful nonsense for a district nurse needing a new dressing for a patient to have to return to the surgery , tell the doctor what is needed , possibly even draft the prescription for him , get the prescription dispensed by a pharmacist and then make a second visit to the patient to apply the dressing . ’
20 Apart from the human loss of life this is obviously bad publicity for the tiger , who is being protected by the goodwill of the Bangladesh and Indian governments .
21 Resistance to damage can be explained in terms of modular organization but is scarcely conclusive evidence for h .
22 But if war should occur , it will be war not only between states but between exploiter and exploited ; there is thus real potential for war to turn into what Clausewitz called ‘ war of hatred ’ .
23 John Upson , trainer of yesterday 's first winner , River Bounty , is concerned about sick horses in his yard — which is not good news for those who have supported his Grand National runner Over The Road .
24 This is not good news for Leeds who are coming upto a difficult series of games over the next month .
25 ‘ Clearly , it is not good news for the investment if there are violent swings in the policy towards individual energy elements .
26 ‘ It is not good news for the investment if there are violent swings in policy towards individual energy elements . ’
27 The requirement effect on trade which member states of jurisdiction requirement , it is jurisdictionable because it is the first task that the commissioner of the court should undertake when considering quote from wind surfing get in constant and the concept and agreement which may effect trade is intended to define in the law governing cartels the boundary between the areas , respectively covered by community law and national law , it is not necessary law for the competition effected by the alleged restriction and the trade which is effected between members of states to be the same , an example in the defendants list of authorities it 's in the principal and in that case the restriction of competition arose in relation to a product possible spirits which was itself used to manufacture other products namely cognac , it was argued that the that since there was no trade between members of state and possible spirits there could be no effect upon trade between member of states and so twenty five could not apply , the court accepted that factual premise , there is no trade between member of state and import of spirits , but rejected the legal conclusion , they concluded that is was necessary for there to be an effect upon trade in the market where the restrictions occurred , they was trading another product which was related to possible spirits , and of course stated , it must be observed in that respect that any agreement who 's object to effect is to a strict competition by fixing minimum prices for an intermediate product is capable of effecting intro community trade , even if there is no trading in that intermediate product between members of state , that the product constitutes the raw material of another project marketing elsewhere
28 This warranty has arisen from US practice but in the UK the acquirer 's solicitors should check on the seller 's authorities as it is not usual practice for the solicitors of one party to render a formal legal opinion to another party , each party being expected to seek and rely on advice from its own solicitors .
29 However , the change in safety regulations and the harder line taken is not sufficient compensation for the curtailing and running down of health and safety inspections , nor the differences in health and safety regulations which exist between companies operating on land , and those , such as contractors on off-shore oil rigs who are at sea .
30 If there is not sufficient space for the inserted records in the control interval , a control interval split takes place under VSAM control .
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