Example sentences of "is [art] more [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Scholes 's case is the more telling in that he is far from being a conservative opponent of all recent developments in theory ; he has written favourably of structuralism , and unsympathetically about fictional realism ( for which , indeed , he has been attacked by Tallis ) , and elsewhere in Textual Power he finds deconstructive reading — as opposed to the theory underlying it — a useful critical method .
2 Second , such support as there is , via the National Endowment for the Arts ( currently it is funded at $130m , which to the federal government is peanuts ) , is the more visible for being infinitesimal and therefore vulnerable .
3 Lamb 's achievement is the more impressive in that he hardly ever bats higher than No. 4 .
4 The other version , thanks partly to Hollywood , is the more familiar of the two .
5 The ability to manage people is the more necessary at a time when a number of different lay ministries are being encouraged and developed for the conduct of worship .
6 It is a difficult choice to make for what is the more admirable about Essex — their financial or cricketing performance .
7 ’ WEU could establish a link between a Europe in the process of unification and an Atlantic Alliance in the process of transformation and thus provide the vehicle for a stronger Europe to contribute more to joint security WEU must be at one and the same time the means of allowing Europe to make its voice heard in a Euro-American dialogue ’ — it must never be forgotten that Europe must always have an input into that dialogue — ’ of which the Atlantic Alliance is the institutional framework and the instrument for making the most of the European contribution to the defence of the West This contribution of Europe is the more essential in that the American military presence on the continent of Europe , reduced since the war in the Gulf , will remain below what it was in the past Defence policy should continue to be made in the organisations which assure collective defence , NATO , and WEU .
8 Further , and hence We now have the embarrassing impossibility of a negative sum of squares and must conclude that method ( b ) is unsatisfactory for computer use even though it is the more practicable for hand calculation .
9 In an opinion poll taken in December of that year on the question ‘ Which do you think is the more important for Britain to concentrate on : building up strength in atomic weapons and missiles , or in conventional weapons like troops , tanks and bombers ? ’ 52 per cent favoured the former , 8 per cent the latter , 22 per cent neither , wanting disarmament instead , and 18 per cent did not know .
10 Which of these changes , one wonders , is the more important for our national education ?
11 Perhaps this is the more important in the late twentieth century now that this means of image-making is so familiar that some people actually imagine that a photograph shows the world as it is .
12 This is the more remarkable in view of the lukewarm support some of the policies have had in the Cabinet and party .
13 Both are unique , but there is no doubt that the Plane is the more unexpected of the two features , and this , together with its overgrown obscurity , ensures that ‘ Foxton Locks ’ come first in any discussion about the place .
14 They operate in basically the same way , but VITC coding has to be recorded onto the tape ( of course without being visible in the picture ) , at the time of shooting or while being copied onto a second tape ; RCTC coding on the other hand can be carried out at any stage of the editing process , and so is the more flexible of the two systems .
15 Third , the coincidence between this group of adjectives and those that can occur in ordinary predicative position appears to be exact , and this is the more significant in that this is the only case where there is complete agreement between a pair of adjective positions .
16 Technical Manager or Production Engineer — the latter title is the more popular of the two , in practice , although the former is probably a better description of the role .
17 There are indications that the James-type account is the more popular among those few contemporary British philosophers who have anything to say on the subject .
18 And that communication is the more direct for that .
19 ( Tie-in sales and full-line forcing could be caught by Article 85(1) but there have been few cases ; Article 86 is the more likely to be relevant . )
20 Mr Orlando , who last month took a deep breath and announced his intention of leaving the Christian Democrats to lead his own party , is the more bitter of the two .
21 ‘ Wright is the more doubtful of the two , ’ Bobby Robson , the England manager , said last night .
22 ‘ Whether embodied in judges , a statutory ombudsman or a tariff of fines , the law is no more capable of compelling editors to observe a statutory code than of extracting maintenance for children from fathers not supporting their families , ’ he said .
23 Yet the acting-out of conflict is no more healthy in a true sense than its repression if this externalization of it is compulsive and without insight .
24 We might find , for instance , that ‘ analytic thinking ’ of the kind they describe , free of interpersonal bias and meaning what they say with little or no room for interpretation' is no more apparent within university institutions and the formal school system than within other social institutions .
25 The present system is no more comprehensible to the public in this respect than was its predecessor .
26 The agency analogy is no more effective for analysing the case than the trust one .
27 Malloy and Ellis ( 1970 ) included in their experiment control procedures of the sort I have already discussed ( groups given no pre-training , allowed simply to observe the stimuli , and so on ) but the proper interpretation of the results from such control procedures is no more secure in this experiment than in any other .
28 Hornblower is no more comfortable with himself as an admiral , commodore of a Baltic convoy , than he was as a junior captain .
29 We need to remember that it is no more natural for women to live longer than men than it is for them to have lower incomes , to expect to give up work if their men wish it at marriage or in later life , to be the keepers of family memory , the main carers of those in need , the main sufferers from the empty nest as children leave home .
30 It is clear that political commitment is no more sufficient for the development of good pedagogy than is the ability to speak a particular language and to share in its associated culture .
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