Example sentences of "is [prep] be [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is to be commercially available in 1993 .
2 Time alone will tell if the Commission is to be equally successful in the field of health care .
3 Sociological research , like all scientific enquiry is fundamentally prompted by simple human curiosity , an indispensable quality if research is to be both successful and enjoyable .
4 However , if Marx 's theory is to be universally applicable , it must be built around practices which are common to all societies .
5 Managers therefore may find that the only solution to continuity is to be thoroughly familiar with all case records in order to be able to smooth the transition as one volunteer picks up a case started by another .
6 Here , the answer is to be extra careful with the pitch setting of one blade and make all your tracking adjustments to the other blade .
7 Marxists and feminists are inclined to see this familiar fact as a form of exploitation , and the current fashion is to be particularly scornful of the honour that is supposed to accrue to the unpaid housewife .
8 The adjective must of course be one which can plausibly be ascribed to the entity of the subject if the whole is to be grammatically acceptable .
9 If the U K is to be globally competitive in the future , we simply can not afford to perpetuate such mistakes .
10 My aim is to be seriously funny . ’
11 Thus the teacher-in-role can decide from moment to moment whether to carry the burden of the pupils ' protection — ‘ My men ( a group of ‘ passive ’ children ) have this to say to you' is to be totally protective — or to remove that protection and hand over the power : ‘ My men have something to say to you … ! ’
12 If he is to be totally unbiased when making his observations , then he will be obliged to record not only the readings on various meters , the presence or absence of sparks at various critical locations in the electrical circuits , the dimensions of the circuit etc. but also the colour of the meters , the dimensions of the laboratory , the state of the weather , the size of his shoes and a whole host of ‘ clearly irrelevant ’ details , irrelevant , that is , to the kind of theory in which Hertz was interested and which he was testing .
13 It is to be constitutionally independent of member countries ' governments and its principal objective has been defined to be price stability in the Community .
14 The general attitude of the medical profession is to be highly sceptical , question the benefits , divide into camps and argue bitterly among themselves , and continue scientific testing , surveying and debating for years before becoming convinced .
15 But that is far from saying that the testator 's son is to be legally obliged to carry it out .
16 It is to be as visible as a city built upon a hill .
17 I think I am the last British poop artist because the total effort of all groups now in 1990 is to be as international as possible … but I 'm not a part of it .
18 A new identity is to be as important as new social relations , part of the forging of cultural capital through which the city is to be sold .
19 If consumerism is to be as important as this suggests , then the definition of consumer needs to be wide : it must include the ‘ hidden consumers ’ who do not have much contact with social services departments , and it needs to include both clients and their carers .
20 The other is to be as organised as possible .
21 The secret is to be as quick as possible and to keep the animal warm afterwards .
22 The American approach is to be as formal and rigorous as possible with insistence on systematic sampling , correlating and so on .
23 reduction if the tax is to be as fair as it needs to be .
24 The most common mistake with these cleaners is to be too heavy-handed , which can faintly score the surface , or to rub blades and spoon bowls in an irregular pattern and therefore cause unsightly marks .
25 In a week 's time you will find how easy it is to be perfectly objective with your child and at the same time kindly .
26 To travel is to be continually surprised , to keep on the visual qui vive .
27 Task Force chairman Kingsley Smith , Durham County Council chief executive , said last night : ‘ It is very good news , provided there are no catches , and it is to be genuinely additional money .
28 It is certainly not enough to say that the former position shows " attribution " and the latter " predication " ; one must go on to say what these terms of one 's theory mean , and if our account is to be genuinely explanatory , we must do so in ways which can be related to concepts and phenomena which stand outside our initial theory .
29 A : Journalists always make the assumption that to be married for a number of years is to be happily married for those years .
30 … not to evaluate children 's art is to be educationally irresponsible .
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