Example sentences of "is [prep] what [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Liverpool Labour group member George Knibb said : ‘ What we are asking you to do is for what you believe in for the miners to commit yourselves to for your own workforce . ’
2 Here the opposition isolated by the Formalists is between what they call fabula and syuzhet , and concerns the organization and the presentation of the narrative ( more of this later ) .
3 At first the contrast is between what you have and what you want , but what do you do once you have what you want ?
4 The central concern for all these groups is with what they perceive to be declining moral standards .
5 Since ch'i occupies the place in Chinese cosmology corresponding to matter in ours , Westerners took a long time to grasp how very different it is from what we understand by matter .
6 Where they become problematic , especially for members of marginalized cultural groups , is in what they begin to mean if we take them out of the pristine hot-house of the academy and put them into the messy struggles of day-to-day life .
7 Our interest , then , is in how teachers manage to cope with , adapt to and reconstruct their circumstances ; it is in what they achieve , not what they fail to achieve .
8 His blind spots tend to be Bartók and Stravinsky — ‘ especially when he is in what I call his ‘ wrong note ’ mode , like in the ‘ Pulcinella ’ Gavotte where he is deliberately a bar out with his ‘ Alberti bass ’ .
9 The best time for this ‘ homework ’ to be done is in what I call the twilight time at night — that period when he is in bed and drowsy but not yet asleep .
10 The other is by what you say , either to them directly or behind their backs .
11 ‘ Market focus is around what we have to do to deliver our promise to the customer , what we have to achieve to be successful .
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