Example sentences of "is [adj] that [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 There is little that you will come across in your travels that can not be designed with your psyche , and your cash , in mind .
2 If the dish is blazed with whisky instead it is possible that nobody will know the difference ; but a point of principle is involved ; once the wedge is in how long before the apples have been replaced with carrots and peas , and the cream with tomato purée or pineapple juice ?
3 It is possible that we will see a further slowing of the ageing process as time goes on so that in the next century the experience of being in one 's eighties is more like the experience of being in one 's seventies at the moment .
4 Whilst we and other members of the travel industry are campaigning to have any such charges waived for holidaymakers , it is possible that they will be in force when you travel .
5 But it is possible that they will ask . ’
6 Whilst it is possible that they will remain reliable instruments for a long time to come , it is in conditions like these that Titoism spawns and prospers .
7 It is possible that there will be a trend to suggest such posts for women , rather than efforts being made to develop training and working schemes that take into account the professional potential of all qualified doctors .
8 It is possible that there will be more than one round of interviews , but this simply introduces the repetition of some of the above activities The verdicts of interviewing panels must be recorded and where necessary reconciled with the preferences of applicants Offers of employment must be sent out including contracts Once these ( or alternatives ) have been accepted , rejection letters will be sent out .
9 However , since it is possible that there will be future changes either to the format or the contents of the module header , LIFESPAN will allow the entry and approval of modules which contain at least the latest and the immediately preceding version of the module header .
10 However , it is possible that it will be adopted by a qualified majority voting procedure .
11 Although the loss of sensitivity inherent in grid-referenced PCR needs to be addressed , it is possible that it will not be a major issue ; even patients with chronic hepatitis C , who frequently have low levels of viraemia , generally have circulating levels of virus orders of magnitude greater than the lower limits of detection by PCR , and levels of hepatitis B virus DNA in chronic carriers are orders of magnitude greater still .
12 He is not easy at the hostel and it is possible that he will have to return to hospital , but at the moment he is not certifiable . ’
13 ‘ Then it is possible that he will be planning to spend some time in Tbilisi .
14 If Kirwan is serious — and hooker Sean Fitzpatrick assures us he is — then it is possible that he will not wear the silver fern again because , even though Alex Wyllie is no longer in contention , there 's no guarantee that Hart will get the job .
15 Of course , the British are not the only ones to take holidays and it is possible that you will be sharing your hotel with a group ( perhaps a large one ) from another country .
16 Senna said yesterday : ‘ It is possible that I will race IndyCars in 1993 .
17 And if a new kind of replicator takeover is beginning , it is conceivable that it will take off so far as to leave its parent DNA ( and its grandparent clay if Cairns-Smith is right ) far behind .
18 She resists being fed because she is afraid that she will swell up and become too big for her coffin .
19 And it is doubtful that she will feel the need to consult a fortune teller as to her husband 's ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ days as did Nancy Reagan .
20 While it is clear that they will not be identical ( see McGregor et al . ,
21 Your appointment may be terminated at any time during the probationary period in the case of misconduct or if your service is unsatisfactory and it is clear that you will not be able to reach the required standard before the end of the probationary period .
22 Your appointment may be terminated at any time during the probationary period in the case of misconduct or if your service is unsatisfactory and it is clear that you will not be able to reach the required standard before the end of the probationary period .
23 He prepares to do so , and only when it is clear that he will obey the divine command does God at the last moment spare his son and tell him to kill a sheep instead .
24 It is clear that it will not be easy to put the new law into effect when it is adopted .
25 Whatever the status of the Newhart decision , it is clear that it will be confined to very narrow limits since to allow any such action would interfere with the primary duties of the receiver to protect the interests of the security holder .
26 It is clear that she will never marry and have children , follow a career enjoy the leisure interests of her own age group or otherwise enjoy the quality of life which so many take for granted .
27 There is environmental sensitivity about the latter approach and it is clear that there will be national and international regulatory hurdles to clear before such strains can be used .
28 Indeed , it is clear that there will need to be a significant improvement in the conditions associated with part-time work if this is to be seen as a real alternative for older workers .
29 It is clear that there will be considerable disruption locally during construction .
30 But he warned : ‘ Although the precise amount will need to be determined , it is clear that there will be a substantial difference between the total cost of refurbishment and the amount which can be recovered through the council 's insurance policies .
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