Example sentences of "is [adj] [conj] that they " in BNC.

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1 It is all too easy to blame the unions , to argue that they must know perfectly well that the effect of excessive wage settlements is inflationary but that they nevertheless still seek and get them .
2 ‘ PAT dogs seem to sense when a person is chair-bound and that they are there to give that person pleasure .
3 In Nasonia it has further been shown that condensation of chromosomes derived from the sperm is abnormal and that they are often fragmented in incompatible crosses .
4 A major issue is the extent to which one can take account of the tendency among some people to say that all is well and that they are satisfied with their lot when , objectively , they are living in poverty and destitution .
5 They recognised that God is sovereign and that they had to forgive , and they did .
6 What is likely to matter most when someone is buying your product is a quite vague general impression that it is familiar and that they have heard good of it somewhere : not an explicit memory of an ad .
7 We now know in fact that neither the proton nor the neutron is elementary but that they are made up of smaller particles .
8 It demands the identification of a coordinator who should ensure that consultation with staff is genuine and that they feel involved ; explain processes clearly from the outset ; help teachers draw up a realistic timetable and ensure that deadlines are met ; provide advice and keep a check on what is happening at each stage ; contact people outside the school who might be brought in to help ; try to ensure that the review and the development are rigorous and systematic ; and make some evaluation of the effectiveness of the GRIDS method after about twelve months .
9 ‘ I hope this Tory government 's change of heart is genuine and that they are not just trying to pass the buck .
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