Example sentences of "is [adj] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Kennedy added : ‘ We consider that today 's industrial action is unnecessary as a number of reasonable and generous offers have been made to the individual at the centre of this case . ’
2 This is unnecessary in a tank with only one or two hard corals and regular water changes — or with no hard corals at all .
3 The little maid is sedate as a judge and reminds me every day of her mother .
4 The air is sticky with a varnish of sea mist .
5 These flashbacks to his past in Texas show him making love to a girl whose family seems to object to him , then ( in an obliquely filmed sequence ) he is gang-raped by a group of yobs .
6 It is wonky in a way that we can work out , even though we can not see it curving off into any extra fourth dimension . ’
7 Any number of romantic operas likewise deal with patriotic heroes , from Rossini 's William Tell , just revived at the Royal Opera , to Smetana 's Dalibor ( which is due for a revival ) .
8 The Willis Bill , which is due for a second reading in the House of Lords on 6 May , says that anyone who sells , distributes or otherwise manes available am machine capable of reproducing a sound recording or cinematograph film shall be deemed to have authorised infringement of the copyright , in a sound recording or film Although the Bill has little chance of getting any further it will achieve one aim — to generate publicity for the record and film industry 's call for a tax or levy on blank audio and video tape .
9 But Rush is confident that any animosity has long-since faded and that his former boss is due for a hero 's welcome when he leads his side out at the ground he graced for 14 illustrious years as player and manager .
10 THE TRIED-AND-TESTED archaeological technique of radiocarbon dating is due for a fillip later this year .
11 An old canine friend is due for a visit , which will give you a lot of pleasure .
12 This is due to a lack of the hormone insulin , normally produced in the pancreas .
13 This is due to a lack of clarity in role definition , lack of training and inappropriate deployment of non-teaching staff .
14 At summer temperatures the major water quality problem is due to a lack of dissolved oxygen which results in the fish gasping at the water surface , showing rapid gill movements and , in severe cases , dying .
15 On the basis of this evidence , it has been suggested that poverty is the primary cause of the failure to seek legal advice , and it has been proposed that the failure is due to a lack of ‘ legal competence ’ among the less affluent who suffer not only from lack of money , but also from lack of influence , lack of energy and lack of awareness .
16 This is due to a variety of circumstances ranging from accessibility and remoteness of locations and their suitability for women to local legislation in some countries which prohibits the employment of women either completely or in certain types of jobs .
17 Just as it did during the mass exodus in the weeks before the Berlin Wall was built , the state propaganda machine is claiming that the current wave of emigration is due to a campaign organised by West Germany to lure their people away .
18 This is consistent with the recent studies showing that the increased gastrin concentration in H pylori infection is due to a rise in the biologically active G17 form of the hormone .
19 In practice we distinguish between the external cause of a rhythm , which is caused by our life-style or environment , and another internal cause , which we might say is due to a clock within our body .
20 This fault is due to a shortage of an electrical part .
21 Building and sculptures certainly underwent repairs in antiquity ; but a theory that the present order of the metopes is due to a rearrangement before Pausanias 's time , the six Peloponnesian labours having been originally together on the west , the others on the east , seems to me unnecessary ; indeed certainly wrong , since I find a stylistic distinction between the two ends as they are which cuts across the geographical division .
22 It is due to a more far.reaching failure — the failure to conceive the full meaning and possibilities of national education as a whole , and that failure again is due to a misunderstanding of the educational values to be found in the different regions of mental activity , and especially to an underestimate of the importance of the English language and literature .
23 Their success is due to a plague of rats , which thrive in the burgeoning oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis ) plantations of the Peninsular .
24 The green colour of the leaf is due to a substance called chlorophyll which also contains the pigment phytochrome .
25 Indeed , unlike the lowlands where much of the change is due to a rejection of the 200-year-old ‘ enclosure landscape ’ much land use change in the uplands is the result of a continuing revaluation of the economic benefits , or otherwise , of reclaiming moorland for agricultural use , and abandonment of farmland ( Parry , 1976 ) can take place along-side reclamation ( Parry et al .
26 A very common surface contamination is due to a film of pump-oil acquired from the diffusion pumps , which gives a prominent carbon 1s signal .
27 It is due to a change of life-style
28 But in the main I believe it is due to a change of attitude by props in particular .
29 In part this is due to a desire to avoid a rigidly causal account which will straitjacket capitalist societies into a single position , not allowing for their diversity and variation .
30 The absence of an increase [ in cases of leukaemia ] in the rural high oil category overall in 1979–83 is due to a deficiency that is almost significant in areas with a lower child density or a lower oil impact score — and which was not present in the previous period , 1974–8 .
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