Example sentences of "it could have be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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31 Er I do n't know when that was built , it might not have been built but it er it 's Victorian so it could have been built like in eighteen thirty soon fa certainly soon after eighteen thirty that would have been built .
32 It was the rule for centuries that if animals ( or at least , ordinary tame animals ) strayed from adjacent land on to the highway neither the owner of the animals nor the occupier of the land was liable for any ensuing damage even though it could have been prevented by controlling the animal or by fencing .
33 They just saw the opportunity this time and took it — but it could have been prevented . ’
34 Graham Rowell was only concerned with how he was going to treat a condition or an injury ; he said it was n't his job to worry about how it could have been prevented in the first place . ’
35 As a small owner-occupied parcel it could have been missed ; alternatively he might have preferred to sell it , possibly to John , whose own assessment could therefore have embraced this as well .
36 It could have been said of Ralph too .
37 But for the fact that the rioters supported the Government , itself widely believed to regard the riots with tacit approval , it could have been said that the country was on the point of revolution .
38 Since St Petersburg University also employed Konstantin Kavelin ( the prime advocate of conferring land as well as liberty on the peasants ) , Vladimir Spasovich ( an enthusiastic Polish nationalist ) , Aleksandr Pypin ( a cousin of the trenchant journalist Nikolai Chernyshevskii ) and Boris Utin ( a former associate of Mikhail Petrashevskii ) , it could have been said to represent almost all the forward-looking opinions of the day .
39 And yet it could have been said so simply .
40 It could have been caused by some sort of disaster or accident .
41 It could have been caused by the body falling .
42 There could have been an innocent explanation for the dust cloud : it could have been caused by a herd of cows being driven to market , by a Prussian regiment on exercise , or even by a work gang hammering cobbles into the highway 's bed of chalk and flint , yet the musket-fire Sharpe had heard earlier , and the Presence of the enemy Dragoons on the southern bank of the Sambre suggested a more sinister cause .
43 It could have been caused by extensive lava flows or by a more extreme form of the sort of surface plasticity seen in many of the oldest surviving features .
44 It could have been turned away if we had n't been told .
45 I think our crucial criticism of the whole press release was that the , it was that the good news , if you like , that the council were doing something pro-active about food poisoning came secondary , was a secondary issue in the press release , the main , the main thing was the bad news , and it could have been turned round .
46 Dornberg frowned at the message , so ill-written in clumsy pencilled capitals that it could have been scrawled by a child .
47 I was glad he chose to wear it , for otherwise , in his shirt-sleeves and braces walking between us , it could have been mistaken for an arrest or at least a ‘ helping with inquiries ’ and the last thing I wanted was a street riot .
48 OK , that 's an isolated episode , but had a feminist film crew gone out to make a documentary about wife battering I do n't think it could have been done more successfully .
49 They expected everyone to do something , and then expected to tell them how it could have been done better .
50 " It could have been done years ago , but nobody was really interested in it . "
51 Yeah , I mean , it could have been done with real honesty , but
52 I mean it could have been done if we 'd got a go-ahead .
53 ’ It would n't be an overstatement to say we 've carried near on a hundred tons of material of one sort or another up this driveway to our house , whereas it could have been done in a couple of days with permission to drive up . ’
54 Quite to the contrary ; and it could have been repeated — and no doubt was — that their notions of property looked ugly , very ugly indeed .
55 If there was a potential prejudice in reporting any of the proceedings it could have been dealt with by the lesser measure of a postponing order .
56 It could have been planted by Israel in order to distract America 's attention from the prickly question of the Palestinians .
57 It could have been provided as an additional barrier to odour , but this could only have been achieved by the use of waxed paper — as seen in the Lethieullier vault at Little Ilford , Essex — between the top of the sides of the coffin and the lid .
58 I did n't believe there was a majority in favour of a Greater Israel , but it could have been attained over time . "
59 In capture theories more possibilities open up : the Moon could have suffered its late heavy bombardment as it tumbled through space before capture ; it could have suffered it from debris already in orbit around the Earth or the large basins alone could have arisen from such debris ; or it could have been bombarded by material which entered the Earth-Moon system after the Earth had captured the Moon .
60 It could have been directed against a piratical descent of the sort which had happened in 1018 ( see above ) , and would occur again in 1047 , when twenty-five ships harried Sandwich and Wight .
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