Example sentences of "it just [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 NGC 663 is a prominent open cluster in the same × 8.5 field with Delta and Epsilon ; look for it just off a line joining these two stars .
2 Can you think about it just off the top of your head ?
3 Lying on your side , bend your right leg and support it just below the knee with your hand .
4 I could not wear it there because of my drysuit cuff , and had it just above the cuff to sleeve joint .
5 It had taken until the long , open left-hander that leads down into Glen Kinglas before my erection had finally subsided , and that had been mostly naked fear ; Verity had lost it just for a second , the rear of the car nudging out towards the wrong side of the road as we whanged round the bend .
6 ‘ I bought it just for a laugh . ’
7 somebody comes to look at it just for a view I mean , I say , I , I 'm quite happy coming like I said th if you motion behind there , make the bar presentable we 'll fill it out with stock then that 'll look better
8 ‘ Unlike some he is prepared to work hard and is not in it just for the glory .
9 More than half did it just for the thrill of sex with someone new .
10 You did it just for the delight of fishing . ’
11 Now independent taxation , as you may know , came in , we 're now in ninety three four , I 've only just altered the heading because very little else has changed and I 'm a lazy so and so I ca n't rewrite it just for the heading .
12 What 's more , Bishop is n't in it just for the money , he wants to see some blood spilt — even that of his friends …
13 Treat the family and serve it with your favourite meats and salads — do n't save it just for the turkey !
14 Do n't have it just for the thing that 's free inside .
15 I could n't motivate myself to do it just for the sake of it .
16 I know what you girls are like , you say you 'll just have it short to see what it looks like , and then you say Pedro at the salon wo n't let you grow it just for the moment , and then you say you 've got to look your best for some wedding or other and you ca n't go with it straggly and then you end up not growing it again and if I do n't mention it every week you think I 've learned to like it and if I do mention it every week you think I 'm nagging so I do n't mention it and I 'm stuck with it .
17 Leon threw the ball high , running for it himself and falling to catch it just for the pleasure of movement in sunshine .
18 In a broadcast on Radio Russia on March 15 he complained that the real purpose of the referendum was to " gain support for the present leadership " , adding : " The aim is to preserve the imperial , unitary state of the union , to preserve the system by renewing it just on the surface . "
19 erm Anyway , it 's just about there , and then , almost next door , presumably in competition with each other is the other inn , the Unicorn Inn , erm so that was it just on the South Side of Blue Boar Lane .
20 And I think it , it 's a mistake to see it just as a kind of erm as a little frill .
21 Bu bu bu but would you take it just as a suggestion or would you take it as a
22 This is a somewhat unusual view , for prophets of disaster usually see it just as a disaster , not as a necessary stepping stone to something better .
23 We 'll use it just as an exercise again .
24 No it kee keep going with the arrows and get it just behind the letter you wan na delete , keep going , keep going go keep going , keep going and again now delete , backspace
25 Was it just in the summer he came around ?
26 He wrote it just before the start of the Great War .
27 And to think I almost sold it just before the war to pay for a meal and a tawdry hotel room . ’
28 It belonged to an extremely important erm civic family , Thomas and John Smith , who are the two important ones during the civil war , Thomas was mayor just before the War , John Smith was a member of parliament in the Long Parliament , and erm there 's a slightly complicated story to the house , Thomas moved out of it just before the war and built another one way up the street , but John stayed there , and another important landowner in Marston , Umpton Croak , owned the other half of it .
29 As he took his handkerchief out and wiped away the water that was still dripping from the front of his hair , a voice said , ‘ I would n't drink that if I were you ; the cows wash in it just round the corner . ’
30 Is it just like a mayonnaise sauce .
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