Example sentences of "it had be [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 It had been stopped in its tracks by the Railway Inspectorate and a public outcry .
2 Mr Johnson recorded an open verdict because it was not clear whether Mr Venables took the ecstasy himself , whether it had been placed in his drink or how many tablets he had taken .
3 He had to belly-land his aircraft on return to land , as it had been damaged in the starboard engine and undercarriage !
4 It had been damaged in an accident at the locomotive works where he had been employed in his youth .
5 ‘ The reader interprets the text as if it had been written in his own language , culture and time … .
6 He published an autobiography in 1975 : he chose to portray himself as a rapscallion ( internal evidence suggests that it had been written in jail ) .
7 A World Bank spokesman responded to the leak by denying that the memo in any way represented Bank policy , and adding that it had been written in a deliberately ironic tone in order to provoke internal debate within the organization .
8 The match could n't have been more of a thriller if it had been written in Hollywood .
9 ‘ If it had been built in one go , ’ he claimed , demonstrating with a model and bucket of clay , ‘ it would have fallen over . ’
10 It had been built in 1876 and consisted of a whole succession of low-roofed , dormer-windowed , gabled buildings .
11 It had been built in the late eighteenth century , two storeys high , shallow slate roof , red brick , seven windows set in ashlar along the upper floor , six below and the front door set centrally under a portico and pillared porch .
12 It was a large , tall , four storeyed building , on one of the steep hillsides of Highgate ; it had been built in 1720 , but was deceptively flanked by scrappy houses and miscellaneous buildings of mixed and later dates , so that its lonely eminence had an air of somewhat tragic survival .
13 It had been built in the depression of 1870 — when most villagers were out of work — by the Countess of Saracen , whose birthday was still celebrated , and a mass said for her soul in the local Church of St Peter .
14 It had been built in the 1860s , to take advantage of the sudden influx of visitors provided by the arrival of the London , Chatham and Dover Railway at Broadstairs .
15 But even if it had been believed in Paris , there was a further complication in that the actual renunciation had come not from Leopold but from his father ( whom the Paris papers now labelled ‘ Father Anthony ’ ) , which in itself seemed a curious procedure .
16 It had been raised in international conferences in the late 1960s but was first officially presented by a Malaysian diplomat in April 1970 at the preparatory meeting of the non-aligned states in Dar-es-Salaam .
17 In particular , he fails to comment on the fact that eighty-five per cent of the seven-year-olds passed item ( 1 ) — a fact which suggests that even younger children might have been capable of passing this item , especially if it had been presented in an oral rather than a written form .
18 Then back to the shop , with Lucy now taking the money from her pinafore pocket where it had been tied in her handkerchief , and paying for the corn ; to go on her way feeling quite a little woman of the world .
19 The court held that the exemption clause , though it had been incorporated in the auction sales , had not been incorporated in the later sale by private treaty .
20 Subsequently , however , the Moscow correspondent of the daily La Stampa examined the original of the letter , which had been discovered in the KGB archives , and reported that it had been misquoted in 12 places .
21 This residue has no doubt lost the shape of dividends , share warrants or the like but so would the entire income of the fund if it had been lodged in the same way with the Respondent 's bankers .
22 It had been erected in the second half of the second century to house c number of specialist kilns and furnaces , but clearly overlay the remains of earlier bonfire kilns and spreads of potters ' clay .
23 Alders and willows and rich grass and wild rose briars described a great , smooth horseshoe shape that was still hollowed gently into the green earth , with such authority that it had been acknowledged in perpetuity as a natural boundary , and a single large field hemmed within it .
24 If engaged in hand-to-hand fighting the unit will break if it fails the test and may be pursued just as if it had been broken in hand-to-hand combat .
25 It looked like it had been grown in a tropical rain forest .
26 With a view toward facilitating the use of electronic bills of lading , the Law Commissions recommended that the Secretary of State be empowered to ‘ make provision by regulations for information given by means other than in writing to be of equivalent force and effect as if it had been given in writing . ’
27 " Income " includes income chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise ( UK source income ) and any income which would be chargeable if it had been received in the United Kingdom by a person resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom .
28 The term includes : ( i ) any income chargeable to income tax by deduction at source or otherwise ( first limb ) and any income which would have been chargeable to income tax if it had been received in the United Kingdom by a person domiciled , resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom ( second limb ) ( s681(1) ( a ) ) ; [ ( ii ) where the amount of the income of any body corporate has been apportioned ( ie shortfalled ) under Schedule 16 to FA 1972 or could have been so apportioned if the body corporate were incorporated and resident in any part of the United Kingdom , so much of the income of the body corporate for that year or period as is equal to the amount which has been or could have been so apportioned to the trustees of or a beneficiary under the settlement ( s681(1) ( b ) ) [ abolished in relation to income of bodies corporate for accounting periods beginning after 31 March 1989 by FA 1989 , Sched 17 , Part V ] ] .
29 any income chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise ( first limb ) ; and 2. any income which would have been so chargeable if it had been received in the United Kingdom by a person domiciled , resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom ( second limb ) .
30 It had been painted in 1876 and showed an older and more ethereal poet , his head rising , as is common with Watts 's portraits , from a vague dark column of a body into a spiritual light .
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