Example sentences of "it had [vb pp] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He retained an affection for Paris and a gratitude for the intellectual advantages that it had given him to which he later referred as pope .
2 It had touched him on a raw spot .
3 Whatever mysterious spirit had unlocked the verse , it had freed him for other human satisfactions , for love ; or was it the other way around ?
4 Her existence , he now realised , had implications far beyond her abrasive and insistent presence : it had tethered him to a distant shore .
5 Under the old system , the Leader of the PLP would be seen to enjoy the confidence of that body because it had elected him through an exhaustive ballot .
6 Then he read a textbook of hers about the craft of the dramatist and it had stopped him from showing her anything for a year .
7 It had worried him for a moment , he had n't been quite sure what she meant , but then he reckoned she was referring to the troubles .
8 He was without a car for two days and claimed it had cost him at least £300 in business .
9 It had reduced him to the same level , just another anonymous treatment that her body had required .
10 It had failed him in a crisis and that was once too often .
11 It had upset him at the time , but you had to get over stuff like that or you 'd go to the wall .
12 After it had trapped him for the third time , he ordered all the cages to be thrown into the sea .
13 It had left him with a feeling of self-satisfaction , a sense of having done something instead of standing helplessly in the shadows , aching with humiliation and guilty knowledge .
14 Like Paul , he had trained for the law in youth , and it had left him with a certain accuracy .
15 It had left him with a pronounced limp in his left leg .
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