Example sentences of "it will [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I believe that , as we come out of the recession , we shall find that British industry is much stronger than it was during the same period at the beginning of the 1980s , and that it will prosper mightily during the remainder of the 1990s .
2 If the hull is tilted to the right it will steer to the left whilst it will veer right for a leftward tilt .
3 As well as physical obstacles it will move away from regions of heat or cold or irritating substances such as acids .
4 It will diminish rapidly with the distance in relatedness between individuals .
5 For this we must rely to a great extent upon Soviet goodwill and if we make difficulty over returning their own nationals it will react adversely upon their willingness to help in restoring to us as soon as possible our own prisoners . "
6 We could brush the horse with a soft brush : it will do both of us good !
7 Undemanding as to growing medium , it will do well with the usual mixtures provided for other hardy Cryptocoryne species .
8 It will do well in a gravel medium with plenty of detritus .
9 If we ask the acoustic front end to leave some of the labelling to lexical access it will do so with a vengeance since it has no way of knowing what dilemmas need resolving at the lexical level .
10 When the enclave returns to Chinese rule , it will do so on similar terms to those promised for Hong Kong , with Peking guaranteeing that a capitalist system and lifestyle will be maintained for at least 50 years .
11 But assuming Collor 's Brazil makes it into the ranks of the developed world , it will do so at the lowest level of eligibility , on a par with the East European countries .
12 While it intends to move into overseas markets , it will do so at its own pace , Brossa added firmly .
13 It is not that she believes this evolving female corporate future has yet been reflected by numbers of women employed at senior levels but that it is inevitable it will do so during the next decade .
14 It will do so through the collection of a new body of data on an area of public policy which will contribute to our understanding of : — UK science and technology policy ; — European collaboration in science and technology ; — UK relations with Europe , at the time of the first attempt to join the Common Market ; — UK relations with the USA , in an area of military as well as civil significance ; the development of space launcher and satellite industry .
15 We have heard no suggestion that recourse to Parliamentary history has significantly increased the cost of litigation in Australia or New Zealand and I do not believe that it will do so in this country .
16 It will do so in the United Kingdom , Belgium , France , The German Federal Republic , Italy and the Netherlands .
17 It will do so from a common perspective : that is , how might each of them handle what have been seen as necessary imperatives of organizational action ?
18 But it will do so by making them explicit , so that in effect techniques become distinguishable from the principles which inform them .
19 It will do now in a couple of years time .
20 Well , I think we 're talking here about hospitals in particular and not GP practice but we 're also saying that this is something which the enthusiastic and bright and very capable people we have in our health service are very keen on because they believe it will do better for their patients .
21 The lines quoted , for instance , lead directly into a portrait of Alessandro de Medici as a personification of abuleia , with more than one indication that it will serve also as a portrait of Henry James :
22 Others believe that it will lead primarily to apathy and despair rather than rebellion and protest .
23 I have certain knowledge that it will lead only to further grief .
24 I do not feel able to speculate as to whether or not it will recover sufficiently over the period in which we are dealing as to be again a and situation .
25 It will meet again on 3 March to make recommendations which the recreation committee will consider on 15 March .
26 So it will matter then to the child that if he types in four times two plus one , it 's got to be the right version of that sum .
27 It will arrive here before the testing span of this treaty has ended .
28 It will appear suddenly in the pocket of a jacket you have n't worn since it came back from the cleaners .
29 When a segregation distorter arises by mutation , it will spread inexorably through the population at the expense of its allele .
30 If the present deliberation of the UK 's Follett Committee are to be taken at all seriously , the research and teaching library as we now know it will change fundamentally over the next ten years .
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