Example sentences of "it would have [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , it would have done some good to have one when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer , as it would have made a significant difference to some of the measures that he took , which stoked the fires of inflation .
2 Not that it would have done any good .
3 ‘ But it would have made all the difference to Project Eden , ’ Cheryl muttered .
4 The first twenty five minutes , when you think we were one nil up right I thought gosh if we could get that second goal it would have made all the difference and United would have been really would have been in trouble .
5 Quite possibly , it would have made little difference .
6 If he allowed them to know he understood German , it would have made little difference .
7 It would have made little difference , however .
8 ‘ No , not that it would have made much sense if they had — I 'm not a particular ace when it comes to car engines . ’
9 But I do n't think we had it or that it would have made any difference if we had . ’
10 If she 'd been forty , I doubt if it would have made any difference — to either of us . ’
11 Not that it would have made any difference because I mean , people used to go into shops on that side , which never came up our way and the same with us , coming up there and not going that way is n't it .
12 Explain if it would have made any difference if the garage owner had said he would sell the car for £1,000 although no price was displayed .
13 King did not jump , not that it would have made any difference if he had .
14 Sometimes over the past year she had wondered whether if Fernando had mentioned marriage it would have made any difference .
15 A statute passed to remedy what is perceived by Parliament to be a defect in the existing law may in actual operation turn out to have injurious consequences that Parliament did not anticipate at the time the statute was passed ; if it had , it would have made some provision in the Act in order to prevent them .
16 One possibility is that the DGSE somehow hoped that by buying the dinghy in London blame for the operation would be placed on MI6 , although in this case it would have made more sense to buy one made in Britain .
17 Knowing Carol , of course , it would have made more sense to ask if I 'd come out of things in one piece — the piece in question being in the genitalia region .
18 To fall , in , towards the nucleus it would have to lose all its energy , and this it can not do as it is continually absorbing energy from the ether which balances with the amount it naturally radiates .
19 Failing that , it would have to wait another twelve months .
20 And everybody was getting a bit bored with it cos as it dragged on this is s seven months when you know a long time to be I never thought it would have gone this as long as that when we started off with it .
21 And it would have remained little more than a name but for the immense political danger that threatened it 21 years ago .
22 No one quite ascended to poster cliché heaven and declared that ‘ Michelle Pfeiffer is so sexy it 's a crime ’ , but if they had it would have emphasised some of the ironies that underly Michelle Pfeiffer 's striking star profile .
23 It would have saved all the cleaning and clearing that 's going on today , but I suppose we simply did what we always do .
24 Little did those two cricketers — the veteran Bill Lister and his friend John Beanlands — think when they instituted the tradesmen 's match that it would have assumed such proportions as it had .
25 But that 's how it had got to be in the early days , otherwise it would have cost more to run than I took .
26 For example , if the broker acquired the stock with a view to selling it on to the customer at a profit , it would have to disclose this fact , the historic price of the stock , the current market price of the stock and the profit on the sale .
27 Since the stock market crash at the end of that year , policy has however been dogged by an excessive fear of recession , and it would have compounded this mistake to have failed to raise British base rates to 15 per cent this week .
28 If so , it will come to the negotiating table severely handicapped by its past history of deference : it could as easily have confronted the issue four years ago , when it would have stood more of a chance of winning .
29 Every broken marriage , every wrecked career must have one , in some form or another , and doubtless career and marriage might have drifted aimlessly on together for a few more years if the sea had been clear of Carlas , but it would have ended some time or other , and possibly with a lot more pain than there was now .
30 She said another member of the family would have been able to help after the theft but it would have caused more inconvenience .
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