Example sentences of "it would be [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Due to the housing and building recession everyone in the stock market knew it would be reporting dreadful figures this week .
2 Just three days before the workshop , he spoke to a virtual stranger about his firm intention to be in Hawaii in three days ' time , saying he had no idea how it would be made possible .
3 Thus all material to be shown will have been compiled in the knowledge that it would be made available .
4 He maintained that there was no doubt that if Taiwan fell , then it would be made available by the Chinese communists for Soviet use as a base whenever desired .
5 In this small inward-looking world , the intrusion of death could be dreadfully destructive ; the damage could be limited partly by sharing the loss and partly by belief that it would be made good in the afterlife .
6 Richard Burbridge also announced that it would be replacing Brazilian mahogany with cedar .
7 ‘ While engaged in watching the movements of the several species of the great family of Procellaridae , which at one time often and often surrounded the ships that conveyed me round the world , a bright speck would appear on the distant horizon , and , gradually approaching nearer and nearer , at length assumed the form of the White-headed petrel , whose wing-powers far exceed those of any of its congeners ; at one moment it would be rising high in the air , at the next sweeping comet-like through the flocks flying around ; never , however , approaching the ship sufficiently near for a successful shot , and it was equally wary in avoiding the boat with which I was frequently favoured for the purpose of securing examples of other species ; but , to make use of a familiar adage , the most knowing are taken in at last ’ ’ ; one beautiful morning , the 20th of Feb. 1839 , during my passage from Hobart Town to Sydney , when the sea was perfectly calm and of a glassy smoothness , this wanderer of the ocean came in sight and approached within three hundred yards of the vessel ; anxious to attract him still closer , so as to bring him within range , I thought of the following stratagem : — a corked bottle , attached to a long line , was thrown overboard and allowed to drift to the distance of forty or fifty yards , and kept there until the bird favoured us with another visit , while flying around in immense circles ; at length his keen eye caught sight of the neck of the bottle ( to which a bobbing motion was communicated by sudden jerks of the string ) , and he at once proceeded to examine more closely what it was that had arrested his attention ; during this momentary pause the trigger was pulled , the boat lowered , and the bird was soon in my possession . ’
8 It would be courting double standards to remove that status from Vic Williams ’ , she said .
9 It would be getting light as I arrived .
10 This close to Christmas it would be packed solid and I doubted if Eddie would be out on time , but I was n't going to risk it .
11 Mr Gray said he first took up his complaint about missing mail in December 1990 and was told by the post office in Darlington that it would be given urgent attention .
12 Storage Technology Corp sprang a surprise after the markets closed on Thursday last week when it announced that it would be buying privately-held would-be competitor in the disk array business , Chatsworth , California-based Amperif Corp .
13 A tree can not simply drop its leaves because it would be discarding vast quantities of nutrients .
14 Mr Willasey expected the latest document to last through most of the 1990s , but it would be reviewed subject to any changes in fashion trends .
15 In a group of 20 or 30 youngsters from the background described by my hon. Friend the Member for Cardiff , West ( Mr. Morgan ) it would be considered odd for someone to be puffing away and spreading filth in the direction of others in that group .
16 Nowadays it would be considered kinky indeed for a Catholic priest to acquire a tonsure at the hairdressers — or to parade around in soutane and biretta .
17 Although not illegal , it would be considered unethical , and as long as Crevecoeur could pay back whatever money Jahsaxa claimed SHe 'd cost her , the contract would be dissolved .
18 Are we meant to take it seriously ? premature babies are routinely taken from their mothers on the maternity ward into intensive care , or sterile areas , often for long periods and although their mothers might miss them , it would be thought sentimental to claim the opposite .
19 Johnson returned to this case now in Aberdeen , saying that even though he understood how difficult it would be to ensure accurate evidence , it still did not make it right that a murderer should go unpunished .
20 The transport problem was solved by the silver-tongued Stirling who persuaded Robin Gurdon to lend him one of the LRDG Chevrolets , swearing that it would be returned intact .
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