Example sentences of "it would [be] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It would be terrible to see Mum so upset and not be able to communicate .
2 This club has some very talented young players and it would be terrible to frustrate them . ’
3 It would be terrible to hurt her in any way .
4 OSF , which admits to ‘ close contacts ’ with USL , said it would be pleased to see any organisation take an interest in the project .
5 It would be useful to chart these trends over a number of years for each of these firms , rather like the analysis offered for Horizon in Table 11.4 .
6 It would be useful to compare our experiences and to elicit the types of situation when this phrase is used .
7 I suggest that it would be useful to publish his comments , not so as to set estate agents at each others ' throats , entertaining though that might be , but so that members of the public who intend placing their properties on the market may shop around and take their decisions in a more informed way .
8 We believe it would be useful to analyse the sources of referral , the nature of the clinical problems , the suspected abnormalities — rapid or delayed emptying , and whether the result of tests had any significant influence on decisions about treatment .
9 I feel it would be useful to collect all the research work , documents , etc. , relating to Little Mill , including this agreement , into one file or folio of information .
10 It would be useful to talk in general terms about how you see the shape of the book , ’ Peter said .
11 But it would be useful to give some brief background of their incorporation by the Christian Church .
12 So we 've got the I think that to fulfil I I P requirements , we 've got ta put out some it would be useful to put out something like a training and and development policy .
13 Before concluding , it would be useful to refer to the more common crime of employee theft , ‘ fiddling at work ’ .
14 However , it would be useful to include in credit transactions a formal reminder to lender and customer that the decision to lend is not a matter of chance or prejudice , and ( as it generally does ) reflects the objective facts of the applicant 's ability and willingness to pay .
15 ‘ I thought it would be useful to lay hands on the original tape — the conversation between Court and the American . ’
16 At this point it would be useful to clarify some of the terms being used in this area of adoption practice .
17 It remains the Government 's view that it would be useful to introduce legislation to provide an up-to-date prescription of the C & AG 's functions .
18 Right I put this together ah very quickly just before you came in , I thought it would be useful to get some feedback on the education the two educational events that have taken place so far , now unfortunately I could n't go to Topping Printing but you were there Ann
19 Here it would be useful to impress upon the new councillor the relationship between the official and the council .
20 It would be useful to have a general term for elements which fall short of being constituents , but which nonetheless have a semantic function relatable to the meanings the same forms carry when they are semantic constituents .
21 She had not had it with her on Sunday during the walk to the belvedere and although it might now be too late in the day to catch the best of the light , it would be useful to have a few shots to help with descriptions of the scenery when she came to write her novel .
22 It would be useful to have a way of determining the fair sterling-dollar exchange rate independently of knowing whether these other relationships were equilibrium ones .
23 It would be useful to have a measure of such bias that is independent of the actual hit rate .
24 Cases of the latter type , where the adjective is used only to aid identification and does not actually apply to the entity of the phrase , closely resemble the great bulk of noun + noun phrases in their structural value , examples such as : ( 11 ) army manoeuvres the piano factory a sea monster an angle bracket However , even among noun + noun phrases , certain specimens occur which are clearly analogous to the former type ; as in : ( 12 ) a doctor journalist ( or doctor-journalist ) Chancellor Kohl a bed-settee These would permit an affirmative answer to our diagnostic test , although normally it is necessary to allow a little leeway in the shape of an added determiner to allow for this requirement of English : ( 13 ) Maurice is a journalist and he is also a doctor 2.3 It would be useful to have names for the two types of adjectival use , and there are fortunately two terms available which fall in the right semantic area and which have not been pre-empted for any other widely accepted technical linguistic purpose .
25 It would be useful to have the bloke 's name , that 's all . ’
26 It would be useful to have it .
27 There are also some there which er can or can not at your discretion for more than one year er terminology now being used about recurrent not recurrent expenditure , it 's up to you except where we are , you are resolving to recruit staff or reduce staff erm , it would be useful to have an indication from you as to whether you wish the money to be erm carried through until next year or whether you can see it as a one off .
28 Some of us though , working at the ground , grass roots ma may not know that it goes on , and er , I would just like to take this opportunity of stressing how important it is to , that we communicate within the United Kingdom , and er , support Nigel 's er , suggestion that it would be useful to have a base down here .
29 Er I think it would be useful to have er Mr back and we could er discuss both of these papers together .
30 Firstly it would be useful to understand the mechanism by which a ‘ standard ’ bill of exchange is created , then to see how other types occur .
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