Example sentences of "it would [adv] [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 It would most probably be very staid .
2 If so , it would surely only be after a period of mourning .
3 He said by the time of the next election it would no longer be possible to cancel Trident .
4 Complaining that the grass-roots party cadres had been excluded from decision-making , the Peking Daily called for new emphasis on the party 's role in economic as well as political matters : ‘ If the party only controls the party then it would no longer be a political class party but an amateur group for the masses , or a kind of club . ’
5 Peter Jenkins in The Guardian opined that ‘ it would no longer be amazing to see Mr Callaghan win by a whisker ’ .
6 It would no longer be damaged by the two-facedness of its fuel .
7 Indeed it could be argued that if there were nothing to count against it then it would no longer be faith !
8 Hal B. Wallis , who hired me , was a very shrewd man who recognized that the studio system was over and in five years ' time it would no longer be there . ’
9 But by definition , science itself was not considered as penetrated by social context ; if it was it would no longer be science , at least not ‘ pure science ’ :
10 Some years later , when it was apparent that my daughter would not recover from her poliomyelitis , I felt that it would no longer be possible to continue serving in the Royal Navy , which entailed long periods of separation from my home .
11 It would no longer be possible to do as Oberstein and Colonel Walter did and place a dead man on the top of a train from a window in west London .
12 Once Labour controlled Parliament it was thought that it would no longer be necessary .
13 If , however , the authority to make appointments to the board of a nationalised industry did not reside solely in Government , but in part in trade unions as the instruments of industrial democracy , the Secretary of State could no longer be held responsible for the fitness of the board to discharge its functions ; and it would no longer be meaningful for Members to ask Questions , nor possible for Government to answer them constructively .
14 It would no longer be , in this particular , the same " mock reality " .
15 It is the fear that the administrative form of control over material resources could become politicized to such an extent that it would no longer be subservient to , but subversive of the commodity form .
16 It would no longer be giving the Poles practical support in the war .
17 Moreover , if the centre parties succeed in breaking through into parliament in large numbers then the prospect of coalition government would be increased and this would give the Crown a role in the making of governments since it would no longer be a simple and automatic matter of sending for the leader of the majority party in the Commons .
18 In Belgium , if the Modular System were to be reduced , it would no longer be suitable .
19 It would also normally be advisable to have a term in the partnership deed which allows for disputes to be referred to arbitration , thereby avoiding the risks and costs of litigation .
20 So by the time you came here it would mostly just be Tommy that was playing ?
21 POLICEWOMAN Pauline Tilley said afterwards on behalf of the grieving families : ‘ If the judge had given Gooch 100 years it would probably not be enough , because you can not bring the lives of five children back . ’
22 Her mother had stated then that it would probably not be necessary to move again , but she had always shied off from friendships — so many of them had been lost before .
23 If he reasonably does not discover his right until a short time before the last days of the three months have elapsed , then obviously it would probably not be reasonably practicable to give notice in time .
24 Some of the ideas discussed are difficult and it would probably not be obvious to readers new to this area that they are important .
25 Its only advantage over BBCBASIC(Z80) 's normal error handling is that it gives the error number ; it would probably not be used in practice .
26 Peter Carter-Ruck , a leading libel lawyer , said : ‘ All you can say is that it would probably still be held to be defamatory to call someone homosexual today when they 're not .
27 It would probably still be better for an asthmatic than other , fully-furred breeds , but there is little point in taking a risk with it when there is the more suitable Cornish Rex available .
28 A woman would be quite prepared to accept a wage lower than a male compositor 's , since it would probably still be a great improvement on what she could earn elsewhere .
29 It is perhaps fortunate that such events are in fact rare and it would clearly not be ethical to increase their frequency , instead , the ascending portion of the curve which is clearly present will be considered in more detail .
30 As well as showing the average or individual costs of community care under the Home Support Project it would clearly also be useful to show whether the project was or was not cost-effective overall ; that is , whether the costs of running the service were greater or lower than the total public expenditure saved through sustaining at home people who without the project would have been in institutions .
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