Example sentences of "it would [adv] have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 If it acknowledged his existence , it would also have to acknowledge its own existence , thereby inviting precisely the attention it had to avoid .
2 I thought , I must get it cut — and then I remembered that I had no money to waste on that sort of thing any more ; it would just have to grow , or I 'd have to cut it myself .
3 In her bedroom now , sipping her whisky , she acknowledged for the first time in her life that if she had to make a list of the happy times , it would properly have to include the hours she had spent with Graham in his garden .
4 If the Beast were a car it would probably have to complete with the Land Rover .
5 Borrowings remain high at £457m , for gearing of 51 p.c. , but the group has squeezed capital from the housebuilding side and , if trading unexpectedly worsened , it would simply have to sell prize assets instead of peripheries .
6 If Britain was to farm without the benefit of subsidies it would clearly have to enjoy some significant advantages — and before advocating radical policies the industry would have to be in a position to answer ‘ yes ’ to a number of harsh economic questions .
7 It tended to arrange debates late at night , and much too close to the critical Council meeting , when it realized it would otherwise have to maintain a parliamentary reserve in the Council if scrutiny had not been completed by a debate .
8 We 'd have to keep the outside as is , it would always have to have two front doors .
9 If the court decided that the case should go ahead , it would then have to decide by which procedural track it should proceed .
10 It would then have to find out whether people were any more truthful when answering commercial questionnaires than political ones .
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