Example sentences of "it 's not [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So the gradient it 's a ratio it 's not no units to it , not metres millimetres or anything else , and it 's the tan of the angle .
2 Of course , it 's not every day they find Dick Whittington sitting on the steps outside .
3 And I dare say you 're disappointed about it , because it 's not every day that an out-island lad gets offered that sort of money , is it now ?
4 Because it 's not every day , not even every decade , that a new car appears which bucks so many trends and owes so little to prevailing thinking .
5 He 's a friend of the family , and although I was surprised to see him , Mum explained that he 'd come to take a few photographs of me for the family album — after all , it 's not every day you become a teenager .
6 It 's not every day a little girl falls into our steam engine ! ’
7 It 's not every day a young woman pulls a gun on a burglar .
8 It 's not every day that you come close to playing God .
9 After all it 's not every day you get caught up in a paradigm shift .
10 It 's not every day that a man gets up and finds one of the most gorgeous creatures in the western hemisphere spooning in the cornflakes at the breakfast table , ’ said Leo .
11 At Chorley , Manager Tony Willis said , ‘ It 's not every day a branch celebrates such an anniversary so we intend to make the most of it ! ’
12 Well , it 's not every day , is it ?
13 ‘ After all , ’ said the Prince with a wave of his hand , ‘ it 's not every day that he gets called on by both Royalty and the Head of the Secret Police . ’
14 It 's not every day that an heir to the throne gets involved in something like this . ’
15 It 's not every day I find a mermaid in the bath . ’
16 It 's not every day I survive a plane crash ! ’
17 It 's not every day that someone wanders on to my property and , when charged at by a Dobermann who 'd shot off as I closed the door after us , goes blithely forward and greets it with the words , ‘ Hello , darling ’ , ’ he replied , reminding her , had she forgotten , that , the dog never far from his control outside of the house , he had soon been on the spot to witness events .
18 It 's not every man who can say he 's been frigged over his own office desk , is it ? ’
19 It 's not every house that has antique vases thirty feet up a wall to dust … fortunately even at Claydon House the problem comes but once a year .
20 Most of the Leeds fans we passed going down the M40 looked a bit unsure of the sight — it 's not every match day you see three guys in Leeds clobber driving a green porsche with their Leeds scarf in the back window .
21 And it 's not a night for trouble . ’
22 The game about to be got under way here , it 's the second time of course that we 've had the taste of European football in just er inside a few weeks here at Lane , a very poor night for weather , you who 've not ventured out well , I think we understand that er because er as we say , it 's not a night when you would turn the dog out .
23 Although looking at quilts is n't everyone 's idea of a great day out , organisers are keen to point out that it 's not a women only pastime .
24 It 's not a school any more , ’ he said over his shoulder .
25 ‘ I 've got indefinite leave — it 's not a state school , and I 'm lucky that the head is a very sympathetic woman , even though she is a little odd . ’
26 In any case , it 's not a cantering or galloping exercise , it 's simply a walk among the ewes to make sure there are no lambing troubles or cast sheep . ’
27 It 's not a conflict about land .
28 Botulism tends to remain in one location , so it 's not a threat to Slimbridge .
29 There is much wildlife to see , so do n't forget the binoculars and give yourself plenty of time , it 's not a route to be hurried !
30 Now whether it 's a h because it 's a er a home name brand erm and it 's not a standard , it is brought to our attention , there may be something there .
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