Example sentences of "it 's [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 No easy task , but it 's already proving a great success , as Richard Barnett reports :
2 It 's already covered the lawn .
3 It 's already getting a bit stiff .
4 It says it 's already built a prototype .
5 Your doctor prescribes it as Prozac but it 's already earned the nickname the happiness pill , but is it safe ?
6 It 's already taken a very big hit , ’ says Ian Amstad , an economist with Chase Manhattan .
7 So make sure it 's safe , take your casualty from the cause , you may have to resuscitate , now if a person swallows something by mouth , there 's two types of poisons , one can go by mouth and one is er corrosive and the other is non-corrosive , but at the same time you have a liquid or tablets , now if it 's a corrosive liquid that you have swallowed or somebody has swallowed , it 's burning as it 's going down , and may I say in first aid you never ever on any circumstances make anybody sick er especially poisons , can you imagine if it 's burnt going down it 's probably perforated the food pipe and somebody comes along and overdoses on the water , because you can give sips of water for corrosive , well it 's because you 're trying to keep the airway open , if it 's burning , corrosive is burning you 'll get swelling , so this is why you give sips of water , but if you give too much your casualty will be sick and if it 's burnt going down and perforated the tubes and they 're bringing it up again it 's gon na burn coming up and go into those perforations that and cause further damage .
8 Maybe it 's probably has a rough working idea it 's you that put the fountain on today .
9 Erm once the development er that would have been g going into Selby actually goes into the new settlement then it 's me it 's either meeting the new settlement 's er sorry the the it 's either meeting the goals of Greater York , in which case that 's been taken away from Selby , or it 's substituting for Selby .
10 Erm once the development er that would have been g going into Selby actually goes into the new settlement then it 's me it 's either meeting the new settlement 's er sorry the the it 's either meeting the goals of Greater York , in which case that 's been taken away from Selby , or it 's substituting for Selby .
11 Kersey said : ‘ So Matthew married Alfred ’ girlfriend after getting her pregnant ; not exactly fraternal conduct , but as a motive for murder it 's surely worn a bit thin after thirty years . ’
12 It 's great doing a picture of Mozart 's Requiem at St Paul 's , but that 's only once a year and it 's simply recording something .
13 It 's great doing a picture of Mozart 's Requiem at St Paul 's , but that 's only once a year and it 's simply recording something .
14 But it 's nice having an audience and it gets your adrenalin going as well
15 And Heritage says it 's successfully riding the recession .
16 And Heritage says it 's successfully riding the recession .
17 It 's previously rejected the yuppie Filofax ( too big ) , the Microwriter AgendA ( nasty keyboard ) , and the Psion Organiser ( both of the above ) .
18 Well it 's blatantly taking the piss , let's be honest , I mean , I ca n't muck around , I mean it 's blatantly taking the piss is n't it ?
19 Well it 's blatantly taking the piss , let's be honest , I mean , I ca n't muck around , I mean it 's blatantly taking the piss is n't it ?
20 now when it 's finally approved the highway and transportation from it will be corporated as a specific service provision within the name Suffolk .
21 It 's completely ruined the furniture .
22 It 's completely altered the topography . ’
23 So there 's no element in this in terms of a developing additional service , it 's simply channelling the funding of that service to the local authority , where previously it went to the D S S.
24 It 's simply to make the letters bigger and try and get some sense of flow
25 Erm both the Labour and the Liberal parties , erm think it 's extremely important that we maintain this provision for the curriculum pupils who might wish to have petition early and we will maintain in full so the current level of provision under section eleven will be May next year , which puts a large sum on the money into that , this is growth in expenditure , the making up of government cuts , increasing the money we 're spending , it 's not increasing service , it 's simply continuing the current current policies but it will continue as it is now .
26 I 'm , I 'm getting there it 's just taking a long while .
27 Yes I 'm getting there , I know I know I know myself I 'm getting there , it 's just Like say , it 's just taking a bloody long while .
28 it 's just taking a long time .
29 oh she says erm it 's just getting a bit too much now because I 'm gon na start
30 No it 's it 's just getting the rhythm of doing it really .
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