Example sentences of "it 's [adj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Even so , it 's surprising to find the following comment in the work of a distinguished historical linguist : ‘ Nonstandard forms may be found among antisocial groups , such as criminals , or a rebellious younger generation , or among rustics ’ ( Lehmann , 1962 : 142 ) .
2 It 's due to join the three-model Vitara line-up in the UK by the middle of next year .
3 ‘ If it 's possible to put the fear of God into a nation of atheistic bastards , then the Chinks appear to have done it .
4 And now it 's possible to put the equivalent of a million components on one single chip .
5 For instance , it 's possible to bend the strings behind the slide , using the end joint on your first finger like a kind of mechanical lever , while still keeping the slide and the vibrato completely in tune .
6 Now the important thing about the toxin is not so much that it can paralyse its victim , but that biologists can use it , and they can use it because it 's possible to label the toxin radioactively and then employ this to look at the distribution of receptors in patients with miocenia and characterise the receptors in other ways .
7 It 's possible to offset the costs and expenses of taking a lodger against the rent you receive .
8 It 's possible to spend the entire night enjoying oneself and ending up having a good Copenhagen breakfast of meat and cheese , yoghurt and wienerbrød … ’
9 In fact , it 's possible to argue the reverse ; that the commercial exploitation of his intuitions will ultimately work to the advantage of his reputation .
10 From Körmen it 's possible to visit the lively village of Datcha by taxi and Mersinçk is a useful stop en route to the ancient ruins of Knidus .
11 Think about how the room is to be used ( for example ) , will you want to eat there ? ) and find out if it 's possible to re-arrange the room to make better use of the available space .
12 Using the contour control , it 's possible to change the character of the sound from British bite to almost an American West Coast wash , while maintaining that essential edge which Marshall amps are famed for .
13 He added : ‘ It 's possible to overstate the extent to which Wales has solved its problems .
14 Well it 's sad to report the death of Joe Mercer on his 76th birthday .
15 The sale of the Dowty companies comes as no surprise to workers but as Dowty has a 40 year history in Gloucestershire , employees say it 's sad to see the group being dismantled .
16 We hate : The Blues Brothers ; people who like The Blues Brothers ; people who think it 's cool to like The Blues Brothers ; people to have seen The Blues Brothers 20 times ; people who know every word of The Blues Brothers ; people who quote The Blues Brothers ; fake cover versions of Seventies soul classics .
17 The main advantages are : the bridge is fixed with the arm in the ‘ down ’ position ( perfect for playing country bends in tune , or for keeping strings in tune should you break one ) ; it 's impossible to strip the thread by screwing the arm in too tightly ; you can choose to load your strings through the block or just through the bridge ; and it feels good , like a light Stratocaster trem , with none of the fudginess of more complex units .
18 Therefore it 's impossible to estimate the actual value of the deal .
19 It 's impossible to predict the eventual outcome of all of this competition , but the cellular operators will need to overcome some significant hurdles before British consumers ( business and domestic ) are entirely at ease with cellular phones analogue or digital .
20 On the subject of using the past , making references , it 's just that it 's impossible to evade the past , it 's here , it 's being thrown at you , and you have to deal with it .
21 It 's impossible to destroy the House Dust Mite population ( or prevent reinfestation ) completely .
22 It 's impossible to see the fat that 's in a crisp , or biscuit , or chocolate bar .
23 It 's not an exaggeration to say that , out on the open road , it 's impossible to detect the difference between this and a or petrol-powered BMW .
24 It 's impossible to overstate the economic relationship we now have with Europe .
25 It 's impossible to get the stench out of one 's clothing until it is thoroughly washed .
26 It 's impossible to meet the rent , ’ said Glennis , 43 .
27 Interwar balcony-access flats are the most reviled and degraded of all local-authority housing types , so it 's odd to find the Butlins versions still functioning so well for their temporary inhabitants .
28 It 's nice to watch the sea at night . ’
29 I had n't realised that Katabatic had beaten us six times so it 's nice to reverse the placings . ’
30 As a reviewer it 's nice to see the occasional idea being taken up .
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