Example sentences of "it 's [adv] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That was a great great left footed shot and could have got a nasty deflection , it 's luckily for Shrewsbury it went straight through everybody and er over for a goal kick .
2 it 's probably for grub … ’ not quite such good
3 No , I think it 's probably for Longmans .
4 It 's mostly for journalists , but there are some golfers and some celebrities .
5 the monarchy are non political and therefore , when they choose to speak it 's usually out of a genuine concern for that problem , it 's not for popularity or personal gain because they are there already and , I think that is quite important when po politicians tend to do good it 's usually to get votes .
6 It 's not for council .
7 ‘ We have made clear our commitment to the National Health Service — it 's not for profit , it 's not for sale . ’
8 Oh do you want this in your thing for , oh no it 's not for school is it , no , no , sorry , sorry , sorry , sorry .
9 Yeah but not but it 's not for school it 's for some people outside school , it 's a sort of
10 So that 's that 's why erm the numbers are important it 's not for maths .
11 It 's not for want of trying . ’
12 I regret that there is n't a man here who would uphold the opposite point of view and it 's not for want of trying .
13 But , says Ann , it 's not for want of trying .
14 It 's not for music it one of those , his machine for work .
15 ‘ We have made clear our commitment to the National Health Service — it 's not for profit , it 's not for sale . ’
16 If it 's not for sale , I 'll pay you to let me borrow it .
17 But it 's not for sale at any price — it 's more than a hundred years old , and was snapped up for a thousand pounds at auction .
18 It 's not for do-gooders .
19 It 's not for drop outs , it 's for drug addicts and Glasgow .
20 But it 's not for football that they fear — it is for the danger of crowd violence .
21 It 's not for no-hopers .
22 On the export side , he specialises in bankrupt stock — at least , it 's nominally for export , but we suspect that a good deal of it comes back to the home market at ten times the price .
23 The lights in the sky mean it 's over for Heyford 's last remaining servicemen in the Gulf .
24 The official added : ‘ There 's another 12 months to run on the ITV 's domestic deal and then it 's up for grabs .
25 The style is French gothic , the building is 130 years old and it 's up for sale .
26 Now , if you 've got the odd spare weekend , a boat and £55,000 to spend , we may have found just the thing for you a fantasy island all of your own , and it 's up for sale right here in the heart of the Central South region .
27 alright he 's met you for five minutes but he 's come here I said this gang of children , I said the poor bugger 's not going to know what hit him I said alright if it 's just for Sally 's three I said he 's gon na be , he 's not gon na be relaxed I said I know that for a fact I said I know what it was like when I used to go and visit your people when I was
28 It 's just for comparison with prints they might find in her flat — on the murder weapon , for example .
29 These questions are often opening gambits for a negotiation of some sort , even if it 's just for interest and approval from one another .
30 Erm it 's just for rubbish I removed from pond .
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