Example sentences of "it was n't [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't right the way her heart had leapt when he 'd touched her .
2 It was n't exactly a copybook launch , though by no means was everything within Ford 's control .
3 It was n't exactly a naturalist 's dream , but to me it was the Great Outdoors , an unexplored wilderness .
4 It was n't exactly a pass , but what the hell was Bogie to make of it ?
5 " It was n't exactly a question and now I know what you 're like I do n't think I can — "
6 It was n't exactly a mystery .
7 While it was n't exactly a cheerful tone , it was more animated than Faye had been since she first admitted that she was having trouble with her eyes , and Belinda knew that she would tell her husband about the problem as soon as they were alone .
8 It was n't exactly a joke was it now Andy ?
9 It was n't exactly an exciting party , but the vice squad knocked on the door .
10 It was n't exactly an in-depth survey , just a bit of fun . ’
11 All right , so he had a flat , but it was n't exactly the kind of place that Warren Beatty would have wanted to call home .
12 And it was n't exactly the kind of thing endorsed by the First Spiritualist Church .
13 Yet it was n't altogether a lie .
14 It was n't simply a matter of class , it was the feeling of the big-league operator for the non-contender .
15 Chairman Peter Kane said : ‘ It was n't simply a question of motivating and training our own employees … we also need to communicate the benefits to all 50 franchisees . ’
16 It was n't even a very big target .
17 It was n't time , it was n't even a distant clock .
18 It was n't even a show that he liked .
19 For an instant she thought of running , but knew it was n't even an option as his grip tightened and he drew her , struggling towards him .
20 It was n't even the Wimbledon of The Complete History .
21 It was n't even the sight of Alf Roberts in Coronation Street collapsing with a suspected heart attack after eating too much Christmas pudding .
22 And it was n't even the same day , but the day after , and as a result , er a man called John ,
23 One of the production 's virtues was that , although it had TV stars , it was n't just a succession of tacky TV turns .
24 It was n't just a matter of meeting an old comedian ; I was meeting someone out of the dustier corners of my private pantheon .
25 It was n't just a sheer and hollow left-hander : it reared up and rolled over right in front of your eyes .
26 For me it was n't just a question of being at ease with my homosexuality : I was more concerned with the way in which that sexuality expressed itself .
27 It was n't just a matter of image for Switchboard though , or a way to make a few right-on gay men sleep easier in their beds .
28 The impact it had on me was that here were a lot of gay people who were interested in politics ; for whom it was n't just a social thing to do after work .
29 It was like a little explosion because it was n't just a question of telling one other person ; I had to tell my parents and I had to tell all my schoolfriends and make sure that my world existed and to a great extent it did .
30 It was n't just a case of me having to lay vocals down while I was over there .
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