Example sentences of "it was about the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Asked by the judge why the question was relevant , Mr Carman said it was about the development of the friendship between the politician and the producer .
2 It was about the idea that a redwood was somehow sacred , that its fundamental identity should remain beyond our control .
3 It has been romanticized as a tradition of public service when much of it was about the protection of vested interests .
4 It was about er the press and unemployment and it was about the way the effects of unemployment were written about in well broadsheet and popular newspapers , it also involved a bit of a study where I gave people some articles to show which had been typed up in a fairly anonymous format and , and got them to rate them in various ways and that was in , let me see , nineteen eighty three long long time ago
5 I thought they might be going to pay their rents , for I was told it was about the settling-time .
6 Elisabetta was asking her something ; it was about the fireworks last year in the city , off the old harbour wall where they had reflected in the sea .
7 Tallis thought it was about the middle of the day .
8 It was about the difficulties experienced by the writer , especially the major writer , in prevailing economic conditions , and I took as examples Eliot , Pound and Herbert Read .
9 It was about the relationship between the Government and the transport industries and the Government and the rail industry in particular .
10 DeVore returned the bow , then turned , intrigued , wondering what it was about the boy that could so thoroughly spook the seemingly-imperturbable Douglas .
11 Just thought I 'd told you for cos from the erm , title i , you would n't think it was about the navy .
12 It was about the strobes .
13 It was about the supporters ' campaign in the last
14 It was about the age when I started thinking about things .
15 If I 'd known how important it was about the house — I did n't understand until I got your note .
16 what was the one about the erm oh it was about the assembling of the gun
17 Unfortunately , I was so delighted to celebrate the mere existence of this euphoria that , as a reader pointed out , I made no attempt to analyze exactly what it was about the theme parks that had produced it .
18 Though her radicalism had not begun to develop , her individualistic streak was already fully formed , as Miss Suter recalls : ‘ It was about the time we were beginning to have trouble with student sit-ins , and Katharine stuck out against it .
19 In fact , it was about the time that David and I both auditioned for Hair and we were both turned down which I thought was quite funny because it seemed that just about everyone else in London got the part , but we were very much the kind of solo singers and perhaps the wrong type .
20 It was about the time you dropped the raw egg into your great-aunt 's letter box . ’
21 It was about the time of the William & Mary declaration that a group , predominately Quaker , and motivated by one Dr. Edward Wright " Physician at the Sign of the Ship neare the Monument in London " , became interested in mining and smelting .
22 It was about the future of the Soviet Union .
23 First , it was not a strike over wages — although a wage claim was later added to the terms on which the Union was prepared to return to work ; it was about the future of the coalmining industry in Great Britain , and in particular was a protest against a plan for extensive pit closures with consequences for both miners ' jobs and the future of their communities .
24 I did n't tell you before because it was about the rags . ’
25 I said it was about the photographs , but even before I 'd finished talking , he gave me this message from Marius to … you know … to get lost . ’
26 It was about the debate , about health care in America and the words were provided by an American reporter .
27 He found Dead Ringers ( a tale about twins who are mirror images of each other , starring Jeremy Irons ) particularly frightening ‘ because it was about the fear of self . ’
28 It was about the height of Phoebe 's thigh and , after a flustered second , she remembered that decision with an instant clarity .
29 It was about the inevitability of anxiety , yet its effect on me was not palliative , I was not mildly reassured .
30 It was about the theft of registered mail — I think we 've got it sewn up .
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