Example sentences of "it was [adv] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the drafters of the constitution wanted specific guarantees of press freedom , but it was eventually decided that the press should enjoy the same freedom of any Nigerian citizen , there being no need for special treatment .
2 The hearing was held at Horseferry Road Magistrates Court where it was eventually decided that there was a case to answer , and Bogdanov was committed for trial .
3 The House of Lords was deliberating at that moment whether such people could legally be Trustees of a Church of England School ( it was eventually decided that they could not ) .
4 It was eventually decided that c. 120 onwards was the correct period of building and that the whole edifice was of one time although there were later restorations by both Septimius Severus and Caracalla , who added their inscriptions on the architrave of the portico below that of Agrippa .
5 It was eventually agreed that each would pay half this cost and as the junction between the two systems was on a rather narrow section of road at the foot of a hump-backed railway bridge , the boundary was not a suitable place for a change point .
6 It was eventually agreed that I could be allowed to bring up the subject .
7 It was eventually agreed that the company would be allowed an overdraft facility of £135,000 , reducing to £120,000 after three weeks .
8 As regards the legal position of some 350,000 Chinese living in Indonesia , it was eventually agreed that China would offer them citizenship , and that those who declined this offer would be granted permanent residency rights by the Indonesian government .
9 It was eventually agreed that the issue of Li Un Hye would be dealt with separately from the normalization talks .
10 It was duly arranged that we should meet after work , and it was then that I gave him further details about my ‘ sponsored ’ trip to Paris and about my much more ambitious idea of a trip to Libya .
11 In June the National Union finally decided its attitude : it was duly recorded that :
12 Beveridge had presented his report in 1942 at a time when it was overwhelmingly agreed that there should be no return to the conditions of the 1930s .
13 It was tactfully explained that the destination was somewhat nearer — Scotland !
14 It was thus conceded that there was a breach of Code C 11.5 and 11.6 of PACE .
15 It was thus found that the majority of the reaction time required was in identifying the values of the card and choosing the pile onto which it should be placed .
16 However it was soon decided that the time was not right to consider this as well .
17 Literariness being defined as the difference between automatism and defamiliarization , it was soon perceived that it was not constructed in the same way in all works , and that the devices manifesting difference in prose narrative were not the same as the devices manifesting difference in lyric poetry .
18 It was soon realised that antihistamines did not block all the effects of histamine , and in particular its action in promoting the secretion of gastric acid .
19 It was soon realised that the W-3 had remarkable capabilities as demonstrated to the press on Hounslow Heath near London later in the month .
20 Through conversation , it was soon realised that although consultants welcomed the concept of the educational supervisor theoretically , they did not all wish to be burdened with this increased responsibility .
21 It was soon realised that media reporting of crowd disorder boosted the sales of newspapers — a matter of importance in an increasingly competitive industry .
22 It was soon realised that the Cutters fitted into the new approach to Customs work very well .
23 It was soon realised that there was a gang operating on an international scale and as the investigation grew it eventually involved Sussex police No 6 Regional Crime Squad and customs authorities in the Mediterranean area .
24 Since the earliest days of stepping motor development a large number of designs have appeared , but it was soon realised that if the motor is to produce a significant torque from a reasonable volume then both the stationary and rotating components must have large numbers of iron teeth , which must be able to carry a substantial magnetic flux .
25 It was soon realized that more than one reservoir was required in order to avoid the slowing down of timekeeping that occurs with the falling pressure-head in a single vessel .
26 The industry was launched by the support of the common people or the ‘ thick-eared ’ as they were bluntly described , but after the initial breakthrough it was soon realized that the only obvious way of increasing audiences significantly was by overcoming the objections and suspicions of the respectable .
27 It was soon recognised that unity of interest between lord and vassal did not exist .
28 It was soon discovered that he was in fact spying for the French .
29 The animal tested was an Asian elephant , but it was soon confirmed that African elephants produce infrasound as well .
30 But it was soon settled that he would stay at home only till Ruari was better .
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