Example sentences of "it is not [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the UK , licences will be issued by the Department of National Heritage and EC experts are working on the common export document but it is not finalised yet .
2 Such a policy should commend itself to the Government and my constituents , and I will be perplexed if it is not accepted today .
3 It is not tolerated now , ’ he said quietly .
4 If it is not stopped quickly , pent-up hatred will force open these gates of hell , flooding much of the Balkans .
5 Even where it is not stated explicitly , it is often implied that the tenets of rationalism or humanism are indubitable and self-evident .
6 Although it is not stated explicitly in the constitution , in 1965 the Supreme Court decided that there was a constitutional right to personal privacy , and in Roe v. Wade ( 1973 ) it ruled that this included a woman 's decision regarding abortion .
7 That is , it is not shaped simply by individuals , but by group interpretations .
8 It must be stated at this point that it is not intended here to suggest that there is a conspiracy on the part of doctors to deprive patients of their rights , or that doctors act out of ill will .
9 For movement and dance , the Pineapple Studios in the same part of town seems to be one of the best there is , though it is not intended primarily for dancers and actors — people from all sorts of professions come along to keep fit .
10 It is not intended therefore to be comprehensive .
11 ‘ I learned from him , more vividly than from anyone else , that the study of the New Testament is an exciting adventure , and that while it calls for a rigorous-critical discipline , it is not made less scientific if the student brings to it his own experience of faith . ’
12 Secondly , paralinguistic features of the ‘ vocal effect ’ type are treated as part of intonation , and it is not made sufficiently clear how these are to be distinguished from prosodic features .
13 Because it is a large fish , it is not kept as often as it should be , as it is a very peaceful fish for its size .
14 Relatively few rural residents appear to rely solely on public transport , perhaps because it is not regarded nowadays as a worthwhile alternative — Moseley et al .
15 Of the children at the copper works it is not indicated precisely how many attended at least some form of educational establishment , though of course many did .
16 It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps .
17 It will therefore affect what happens during the interview , and if it is not done well enough it may prevent you reaching the interview stage at all .
18 When a behaviourist approach is employed , it is not applied only to perception , but to all cognitive states .
19 It is heartening to see the Precautionary Principle being applied to potential risk situations , even though it is not applied more widely throughout the PPG Note .
20 The first session is the most important because if it is not run properly it also may be the last session for some clients .
21 It is not thought enough to ban unofficial political activity , institute press censorship and monopolise the means of communication , since at most these measures serve a negative purpose .
22 However , it must be pointed out that not all monopoly suppliers act against the public interest ( eg it is not suggested even by the most ardent advocate of privatisation — refer to Chapter 3 — that the water supply or sewage disposal industries should provide competitive services to each household ; the duplication of resources in these cases would be extremely wasteful to society ) , nor do all oligopolies abuse their position .
23 The idealism of this approach is obvious , and it is not pursued very far .
24 It is not put forward as a definitive model for how coping , support and events interrelate in the genesis of psychiatric disorder , because the issues are so complex that the diagram could be redrawn in several different ways and indicate several other likely relationships .
25 If it is not allowed then try and fill it in immediately afterwards when the pressure is off .
26 It is not known exactly how many people die from hypothermia ( ie die ‘ from cold ’ , because their inner body temperature has become dangerously low ) , but thousands of older people do die each winter from cold-related conditions .
27 It is not known exactly how he was caught , but there are several theories .
28 It is not known exactly how many pregnant women in the UK catch toxoplasmosis but it could be up to 1,400 cases each year .
29 It is certain that there was a meeting in 1722 but , as almost all the records of the British Consul were lost in the flood of 1803 , it is not known exactly when the British Factory began .
30 It is not known exactly how much the reprocessing costs .
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