Example sentences of "it was [adv] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 It was rather indifferently that he described to her his walk , his find , his leading of the police to the spot .
2 It was shortly afterwards that she married the bookseller . ’
3 The people of Stamford were passionately anxious that the railway should come their way , for it was plain enough that the great coaching trade , by which they lived , was doomed .
4 And she had never had much time for Angela Cartwright , who , when it came to Grunte , tended to run with the hare , though it was plain enough that she had been put out by Grunte 's placing Hyacinth on his right hand and had agreed with Carole afterwards that they would have little trouble finding the necessary fifty signatures .
5 It was n't right that Sendei should just be left here .
6 When she got pregnant her social worker booked her into here , as there was not much space at her home and Barbara agreed that it was n't right that her mother should have her back with a baby as well .
7 ‘ Still , it was n't exactly that I was thinking of , ’ the Marshal said .
8 It was n't exactly that he wanted a present .
9 It was n't exactly that he was afraid ; he just did n't want to leave Frances .
10 It was n't simply that he was managing to smile with his mouth full — a difficult enough task at the best of times — it was that his smile expressed so many real , positive qualities that it must be designed to sell something .
11 It was n't simply that he seemed incapable of telling the truth : he could n't begin to express any thought without it sounding false or grotesque .
12 It was n't simply that he felt protective towards him .
13 It was n't even that I felt unhappy .
14 It worried him a bit , but it was n't here that he looked nervous and gave me reason to be concerned .
15 It was n't just that copies of knitting patterns in a popular British magazine were regarded as subersive , or even that the border guards had strict rules about the permitted length of visitors ' hair .
16 It was n't just that Major appeared to have accepted a dare to go through an entire broadcast without offering a single specific incentive of any kind for people to vote for him , but Brunson , an experienced broadcaster , was even odder .
17 It was n't just that Nottingham 's studious fullback landed seven goals from his solitary World Cup appearance , against the American Eagles at Twickenham last October .
18 It was n't just that the parents had to be kept under control despite the fact that they and the police were in many respects working at cross purposes , it was the danger of some third party interfering … a go-between with power and influence was what the Captain dreaded most …
19 It was n't just that Bernice had no time for women who made themselves look like that ; the other woman demanded attention .
20 It was n't just that the thing looked misshapen and ugly and threatening .
21 It was n't just that it looked so out of place hanging against the speckled mystery of clean , deep space .
22 It was n't just that their possessions , wood and porcelain , paint and linen , symbolised their joint life .
23 It was n't just that she was strikingly beautiful ; there was an unworldly air about her .
24 It was n't just some inevitable reserve because of the age difference , and it was n't just that she was an intensely private person whose public persona did n't tell the whole story .
25 It was n't just that she had grown older and softer or that they were harder than he had been .
26 It was n't just that he was pitching it lower .
27 No , it was n't really that : it was being trained to get hurt , knowing he could stand it .
28 It was n't often that he had a whole day out on the moor .
29 It was n't often that men shrugged off her attempts to pay her way .
30 It was n't only that I could n't lift myself off the ground but that I was stuck to it in some way .
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