Example sentences of "it was [pron] who have " in BNC.

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1 He did n't relish facing Jem and Eric ( he felt sure it was they who 'd carried Jacqui off ) .
2 The spinners Padmore , Jumadeen and Imtiaz Ali did the bulk of the bowling and , as far as Lloyd was concerned , it was they who had let him down .
3 I remember Geoff telling me this , tears streaming down his face , marvelling at how it was his children who had the strength to carry on , and that it was they who had this practical , yet profound way of reaching to the heart of the matter .
4 Fascists justified such behaviour as legitimate self-defence : it was they who had been first assaulted by razor gangs of alien Jews .
5 If you had lifted the dresses of the Krishnapur ladies on that morning of the last assault , you would have found them correspondingly bare-legged , for it was they who had donated their stockings to help solve Harry 's difficulty with his brass cannon Because , incredible though it may seem , he had fired so many round shot in the course of the siege that the muzzle had been hammered into an ellipse .
6 ‘ Because it was they who had you sent here , of course !
7 I would n't mind so much but it was me who had to make all the moves when Andy and I first got started . ’
8 While you were wasting in your sick-bed , it was me who had to make all the decisions .
9 ROS : ( High ) It was me who had n't got it !
10 In fact it was me who had to break the news of the murder to him . ’
11 But it was me who allowed myself to get fat , so it was me who had to make the effort to get slim .
12 It was me who had my neck broken and me who is still suffering .
13 It was him who had been doing it .
14 Of course , ’ he added with a twisted smile , ‘ it was n't until your last day in the office that I realised you were under the impression that it was I who 'd had the affair with Elise . ’
15 Perkin knew it was I who had remembered that the floorboards should have floated , and on Monday he 'd seen the plank on the dining-room table and heard Doone and me talking in close private consultation .
16 It was I who had introduced Thessy to McIllvanney and who had secured him the job with Cutwater , but Bonefish had only allowed his son into the wide wicked world because of his trust in me .
17 This is because I can always ask ‘ Would I still prescribe that action if it was I who had that desire ? ’
18 I did not remind him that it was I who had replaced the newspaper with mended panes and the sacking with curtains .
19 As it was I who had spoken , my mother responded sharply .
20 Perhaps someone had told him it was she who 'd informed the assassin Zambia was here .
21 Although Aunt Violet was n't often rude about other people ( she explained to Alice that Catholics were not allowed to be uncharitable ) , it was she who 'd remarked : ‘ Just a little bit vulgar .
22 Maybe it was she who 'd been deluding herself about the state of his and Sandra 's relationship , and not the other way around .
23 There was some difference that she could not at first put her finger on , and then at last it came to her ; it was she who had said ‘ We shall go ’ and their presence in the forest had flowed from that .
24 And it was she who had said ‘ This is the way ’ and their arrival at this spot at the moment the friar was being attacked had flowed from that .
25 It was she who had interviewed Meg for the Old Rectory and Meg now found it difficult to connect that confident , tweeded , slightly aggressive woman with the two gentle old people she knew .
26 Nan had been twelve then , and it was she who had tipped the balance .
27 It was she who had cared for him , and looked after him , too , until he died , and in the bed upstairs in which he had been born , and his father before him , in the days when this house had really been a farmhouse and the land about had been glowing with crops in their rotation .
28 He looked at her as though it was she who had made the unusual suggestion .
29 In fact it was she who had advised him to get a second opinion on the matter , from a lawyer .
30 Creggan held his breath for he knew that though she was speaking of him as if he was not there really it was she who had become something else and that some power was using her to speak to him directly .
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