Example sentences of "it was [adj] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It was fortunate indeed that we had put him in a cell with another person .
2 It was noticeable however that two items ( violin solos ) were played by " Miss Hanson " ( the daughter of the head of the firm ? ) .
3 He thanked God it was dark so that he could n't see the torn flesh , the ragged pit where the woman 's shot had entered his body .
4 It was logical enough that the Minister for the Army should be a soldier , General Varela ; but the choice of another military man , Colonel Juan Beigbeder y Atienza , rather than a diplomat , as Foreign Minister gives a revealing insight into how Franco thought foreign policy should be conducted .
5 It was logical really that I should be brought from my anonymous safe house to the Hezbollah 's Hay Madi barracks .
6 It was unfortunate also that he was n't much taller than herself .
7 A wintry landscape at Torside in early 1980 , as a lone 76047 makes for Dewsnap — it was doubtful however that it would haul a train back to Tinsley , there being very few daytime workings at this time .
8 It was inevitable therefore that she should have looked for a career in motor racing — at least that was what she told herself .
9 My first ambition was to be a concert pianist , but I come from a long line of actors and I suppose it was inevitable really that I 'd follow them .
10 It was bad enough that a National Front MEP should emerge as chairman of the delegation to the Swiss parliament ; worse still that one of Mr Schonhuber 's men should be vice-chairman of the delegation to Israel 's Knesset .
11 It was bad enough that the anniversary of my David 's death was only a few days away .
12 Claudia held on to her temper with an effort ; it was bad enough that Dana had leapt to the right conclusion without her confirming it .
13 It was bad enough that he had this damn-fool obsession with programming — if he had got his priorities right in the first place , he and Emma might have made some headway . ’
14 It was bad enough that they were deceiving these innocent , kindly folk — did he have to do it so well ?
15 It was bad enough that she 'd fallen in love with the cold , glacial man she already knew him to be — if she were to suddenly discover a tender , humane element to his character , heaven help her .
16 But damn him — it was bad enough that he be high-handed and autocratic when they were alone together — did he really have to carry it into the public arena too ?
17 It was bad enough that she should have to accept Ian 's help with farm work , but that was necessary , if only to keep Joanna happy .
18 It was natural enough that those who knew Smart 's recent history should look for evidence of his recent condition .
19 When English merchants moved out into the world beyond Europe , it was natural enough that the Spice Islands became their ultimate objective .
20 Hugh was still there , and it was natural enough that Earl Robert should be called into conference as a matter of courtesy where the law of the land and King Stephen 's writ were concerned .
21 Coleman knew them already — they had been to see him at the University of Alabama while planning the trip — and so it was natural enough that he should now take on the chore of shepherding them around the island during their stay .
22 It was obvious however that Bristol 's days as a commercial port were numbered .
23 It was obvious now that Liza was upset .
24 It was obvious now that Isobel should be the person to talk to Anna about this job in Pricewell 's .
25 It was obvious now that to most of these women Luke was nothing but a boss .
26 It was easier now that she was dressed .
27 It was significant then that F.J. Osborn 's New towns after the war , first published in 1918 , was revised and reissued in 1942 with little amendment .
28 It was true also that she gave English lessons and that she had applied for a full-time job as an English teacher in a small private school .
29 It was true however that Doris Smythe , an elderly widow who lived on the opposite side of their suburban road in a small rented house , did n't like too much bustle around her .
30 It was plain then that we did not much like the French way .
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