Example sentences of "it was [verb] that this " in BNC.

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31 Maybe it was hoped that this move would cool the situation a bit .
32 It was hoped that this would be remedied in the near future .
33 It was hoped that this simplification would enhance further the attractiveness of the SDR in both official and private transactions .
34 They were schools , therefore , where progress in matching library provision to curriculum need had already begun , and where it was hoped that this impetus could be further developed through participation in the project and a grant in the region of £2,500 .
35 Whereas it was hoped that this would be brought to the Council by the end of November , it may now be into 1993 before the first draft is presented to the Planning and Development Committee .
36 This raid had prompted the USA to suspend its dialogue with the PLO [ see pp. 37547-48 ] , and it was hoped that this dialogue would now be resumed .
37 It was hoped that this would lead to a positive referendum result in Denmark in late April or early May 1993 and to the subsequent completion of the Maastricht ratification process .
38 It was hoped that this would reduce independent expenditure and thus overall spending .
39 It was hoped that this would increase Italy 's own food production and increase Italy 's economic independence as part of the policy of autorkay .
40 It was hoped that this visible guarantee of anonymity would encourage visitors to be as frank as they wished in their replies .
41 In 1972 it was realised that this property depended on a separate histamine receptor ( H2 ) which was different from histamine ( H1 ) receptors in the lung and elsewhere , which were responsible for the allergic action of histamine .
42 Later it was realised that this problem was particularly associated with phenformin and , provided metformin is avoided in the presence of renal or hepatic impairment , tissue hypoxia or significant ketone body production , it is safe ( Bergman et al , 1978 ; Luft et al , 1978 ; Nattrass & Alberti , 1978 ) .
43 After some discussion it was realised that this was a what/how problem , ie the analysis had revealed what information was needed , but not how it appeared in practice ( see also page 188 ) .
44 It was said that this made the assaults particularly dreadful .
45 When he appeared before the magistrate at lowly Clerkenwell , charged with ‘ willfully ringing several door bells and knocking at the doors in Upper Street , Islington , without lawful excuse ’ it was said that this kind of mischief — like the Cremorne Gardens affray — was a ‘ frequent occurrence ’ .
46 It was said that this was the place where the tide came in first and went out last , but this recession has barely affected us so far ’ , announces Richard Needham , minister of state for Northern Ireland .
47 In Rice v. Connolly , the landmark decision establishing that this is the law , it was said that this was so because a refusal to answer questions was not ‘ wilful , ’ an expression that their Lordships interpreted to mean ‘ without lawful excuse . ’
48 Despite its close proximity , it was discovered that this breed owed its curly coat to a different gene and close inspection revealed that , unlike the Cornish and German breeds , this one did have a few long guard hairs .
49 It was felt that this type of exercise would probably not be repeated for a few years .
50 A fresh look at the whole process was needed , and it was felt that this could be achieved by taking a systems view , unbiased by what was then happening in practice , ie before the Act took effect .
51 The importance of providing a focal point for these developments was also emphasised , and it was felt that this could be part of the role of the College Administration Officer so that non-partisan strategies for computer developments could be evolved .
52 It was felt that this unit had not met the expectations of the department heads , and some improvements were necessary , without a clear definition of where these might be achieved .
53 Priority was to be given to walking , not only because it was felt that this would give disproportionate environmental benefits and would aid access to public transport , but it would recognise the dominance of local movement by foot transport .
54 While much media attention was given to the recent tax incentives ( made available for workplace nurseries only — introduced in the last budget ( April 1990 ) , it was felt that this means nothing for women in West Belfast or the North of Ireland in general .
55 Also women are invisible in the unemployment statistics and it was felt that this needs to be addressed .
56 It was felt that this would enable more rail services to be withdrawn in rural areas without ‘ undue hardship ’ ( an ill-defined term ) being caused to the communities currently served by rail .
57 Once again , however , it was felt that this solution was not entirely acceptable since the words degradation and humiliation were lacking in the certainty desirable for criminal legislation .
58 By involving course organisers in the distribution of destinations questionnaires and in the collection of completed questionnaires for despatch to [ MS for analysis and interpretation , it was felt that this mechanism would assist the flow of information .
59 In relation to the PIC situation , it was felt that this is now an appropriate time to review the overall outcome of the introduction of this package .
60 Given that our Delegation 's 15 votes formed less than two thirds of a quota and bearing in mind that this was a first attempt , it was felt that this was a somewhat ambitious foray into the politics of the wider Trade Union Movement .
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