Example sentences of "it is most [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 It is most suitable for lightweight curtains , nets and café curtains , and requires a fullness of twice the length of the curtain fixture , but this is adjustable .
2 Among the many cathedrals with Norman remains , it is most usual for the nave to be unaltered — the eastern arm and transepts were generally enlarged later to provide more accommodation .
3 It is most beneficial for the novice trainer to read and fully understand one of these excellent books before he initiates his training programme .
4 It is most embarrassing for us , but we have no idea where they have gone . ’
5 Paper This is bulky , but easily produced , so it is most appropriate for a small quantity of highly confidential material .
6 It would be limited to the function it is most useful for in the language classroom : intensive listening .
7 William Macdonald in " Sketches of Islay " says Sanaig cave is worthy of notice , it is difficult to enter , its numerous far winding passages form a " perfect subterranean labyrinth , " and it is most remarkable for its reverberation .
8 Both the idea that it is desirable for adult children to live with parents , and the custom that it is most desirable for this arrangement to be with the husband 's rather than the wife 's parents , contrast with ideas commonly held in Britain about desirable relationships between parents and children in adult life .
9 Although William Green was deprecatory about his own writing it is most happy for us that his Guide ( 1819 ) sets out clearly the aspirations of his art .
10 It is most important for those who develop services for old people to consider the complexities and variations of the social structures which we describe with words like ‘ community ’ , ‘ neighbourhood ’ and ‘ networks ’ — all overworked and imprecise terms as presently used by many professionals .
11 It is most important for young ladies wishing to become actresses . ’
12 It is most important for book trade organisations to lobby MPs and appropriate ministers , and for the associations to get their members to act similarly , ’ says Mr Bradley .
13 It is most unlikely for an odour per se to cause actual physical damage , but where it causes a diminution in the selling value of the property or injures the plaintiff 's business by , for example , causing potential customers to be lost , this may be regarded as sufficient invasion of the plaintiff 's interest to be tortious .
14 It is most unusual for anyone to do it in the kitchen , the hall , the bathroom or the dining room , although naps may be taken in the living room .
15 It is most unusual for an open show to accommodate site-specific works .
16 It is most unusual for an Adjournment debate at this hour , at the end of which there will be no vote , to attract so many Members into the Chamber .
17 As a result of both of these considerations , it is most unusual for MAS to act for a buyer on a contingent fee basis ( other than an MBO or MBI team , and then only on a selected basis with a suitable risk reward ratio . )
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