Example sentences of "it is a [noun] you " in BNC.

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1 I do feel it is a pity you sent a single person to test facilities for a family .
2 It is a pity you did n't see the girl at the place she died .
3 It is a sign you are growing old when you do not enjoy the snow .
4 But when you begin fishing , if it is a swim you have never fished before with a swimfeeder , it is essential that you find out how long it takes to empty so that you can set up a rhythm of casting and feeding .
5 This is very difficult when you are accustomed to your precise and meaningful jargon , but it is a skill you must acquire if you are to be a successful communicator .
6 It is a thing you would enjoy . ’
7 " It is a woman you will be then , Sara Hussey , " she whispered to herself , and lay awake for a long time after , watching a narrow strip of moonlight creep slowly across the wall .
8 Carrying a gun when you do n't need it is a risk you do not take .
9 If it is a view you are after , then better to go to the top of the Pic du Midi than remain down on the col , for from there the prospect has for long been famous , especially to the north over the plains and , on a good day , westward to the Atlantic .
10 Even so , this does not pose a problem if your charger is switchable to the US standard , and it is a point you should check out first if you intend to use a European-standard camcorder in the United States .
11 I think if you do n't do that , you 'll very easily become over-influenced at the time by the fact that it is a crisis you 're dealing with .
12 It is a miracle you have survived .
13 No , your clue should be boldly planted , but while it is a dandelion you should give the reader the impression it is a daffodil .
14 ICMS stands for Integrated Crop Management Systems and , unless you are involved in produce growing , it is an expression you have probably never heard .
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